Just In
for Agape

10/10/2016 c4 6darkntwisted
Hello! I just found this story. It's very well written and the original characters are incredibly well rounded. I'm disappointed by the lack of response it seems to have gotten. It deserves better. I really wish you had finished it though. I'd love to see where this goes. Any thoughts on continuing it? I'd definitely read it and even review evert chapter as it comes. ;)
9/22/2005 c4 kirsty
this is such a cool story. Finish it please
4/11/2003 c4 virginia
I love it! Please write more! Dont leave me hanging. I also write storyies,but havent figured out how to post yet. Its really great!

1/18/2002 c4 demiguise2
more is coming, yes?
1/11/2002 c4 Anna Maxwell
Wow, this is really good so far. Keep it up, I can't wait to read more!
10/11/2001 c2 B
great start. please, write more as soon as possible. this promises to be really darn good!

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