Just In
for Ambidextrous

12/24/2013 c1 2ili777
Poor Kurogane and lucky Kurogane; he gets woken up for something silly but at least Fai payed him of later on ;) I liked it, you did a nice job... Fai did a nice job too ;)
9/29/2013 c10 DidiMag
This is one of the sexiest, funnier and sweeter KuroFay fic I've ever read... alas, one of the best!
I truly loved it, man. Now I'm going to read the sequel because I can't get enough of this :D
Your writing skills are amazing and your ideas are totally genial.
Awwww! *intense nosebleed*
5/11/2013 c10 FallenAngel1129
By far the best TRC kurofai fic I've ever read.
8/14/2012 c10 7black-hurt17
Haha i was expecting kurogane to take out a blackboars and work out d calculations to check fai's real age haha
oh my*blush* hehe i couldnt resist googling futomara translation hehhe
7/17/2012 c9 4StainedWithBlackInk
I am sooooooo sorry for my language but oh my GOD! DUDE I know that Fai being 15 is like improbable but the fact that you made it that had me just EXPLODE LMFAO! That was INCREDIBLE HAHAHAHAHAHA oh I think I just fell in love with you (wipe tears from eyes) hahaha PERFECT!
4/22/2012 c9 4Yaoi's Lover
I did NOT see that coming. He's the youngest one in the group. Even Mokona's older than him!
9/7/2011 c10 0bsessor
Cute. Very cute. OMG
8/14/2011 c10 1ayame and crossmix
Very very good! :D

I'd like to know if you've written the beginning of it in one of your fics...Fai going ambidextrous on Kurogane doesn't sound like the start. The ninja wouldn't allow to be sexually molested, if he wasn't ok fooling around with another man, he's react.
2/27/2011 c10 Rin28
*GRIN* I think you write some of the best plots I have read so far! The whole age thing was hilarious *chuckle* not to mention the ending LOL oh how i wish I had been there with those three hehehe
2/27/2011 c9 Rin28
oh god! that was unexpected! what will kurogane do? will he stop because of his morals or something? lol personaly i think he is too far gone to care too much!
2/26/2011 c8 Rin28
Im glad that worked out :)
2/26/2011 c7 Rin28
get that this is hard for her... but I believe that if someone has Stopped loving you it's stupid to keep that person chained to you. . .
2/26/2011 c5 Rin28

I totally love Sakura's schemes LOL
2/26/2011 c4 Rin28
well fuck...I take back what I said this is deffinetly more interesting XD

cant wait to see how kuro-tan reacts to this *evil smirk*
2/26/2011 c3 Rin28
hmm.. like stories with a plot but lets be honest here- right now Im here for the smut XD
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