Just In
for LoveShyness: A Matt and Lucy Collection

5/7/2021 c1 omfgNaLuontheroad
These are fantastic! Really really made my day, thank you so much
2/6/2015 c7 6starfire25
cute story. i like it a lot.
1/25/2015 c7 Mrs. Rilla Ford
Hey, these are fantastic!

I realize it's been a few years, and you may have moved on, but I'd love to read more if you'd care to write more! :)
12/13/2014 c7 8DarkMoon2222
I loved them please add more soon
10/10/2014 c7 ML
Awesome! Amazing! I loved it! You're such a good writer!
6/29/2014 c7 Lost it Never Had it
aaaaaargh thats so corny! Like, move to France 'cos you just went full cheese with that 'you had me at pad Thai'.
I love it.
11/13/2013 c7 7bleeding-roses-16
this is cute so far! and oh so awkward, just like Matt is. i love these two. keep it up!
6/15/2013 c7 2creatorX33
I'll confess this right now. I have not seen all the Die Hard films, I'm not a big fan, and I barely know any of the characters. But I absolutely LOVE what you have been writing for this story. Matt is my favorite coming from another computer nerd, and the pairing him with Lucy is so perfect. Keep up the good work.
4/22/2013 c7 24Ornella85Xx
Awwwww... they are SOOO CUTE!

4/21/2013 c6 Ornella85Xx
Loved the chap! :)
4/21/2013 c2 Ornella85Xx
Yet again, a GREAT chap! :)
4/21/2013 c1 Ornella85Xx
LOL..."you must have strong hands and… pretty experienced fingers." ...OH GOD, that was hilarious!

great 1 shot.. happy he didnt kill Matt.. :)
3/17/2013 c7 46nolongeractive123
Okay, I'm three years late, but could you continue? This is so sweet and good and fluffy and the only good story of Matt and Lucy. Please?! *big brown soft begging puppy dog eyes*
1/22/2013 c7 38Mrs-N-Uzumaki
Glorious chapter! I can picture every moment of it!
This is making me fall for Matt (and even more for Justin!)
1/22/2013 c6 Mrs-N-Uzumaki
'John McClane shook Matt's hand firmly again, but this time it didn't hurt when he got it back.'

I think this is my favourite chpater by far :D
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