Just In
for Follow Your Heart

2/8/2018 c8 Guest
I like how you made Will and Djaq leave the holy land because nobody liked them. I hate it that everybody thinks that he would just be accepted even though he is English. Please do more I thought this was fabulous!
1/8/2009 c8 10scribbledinchalk
Oh, Will and Djaq.
12/26/2008 c8 57Dramione Forever
I loved this Chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter :).
12/22/2008 c8 2soulprovider
If you leave a review then Allan might “hide in the barn” with you as an early Christmas gift if you ask nicely.

Well I am reviewing, and very nicely. I am so glad you updated this story as it is great! I truly love this chapter, it's really sweet!
12/21/2008 c8 littlemissmaster

lmao naw bt seriously tht ws lovely

loved how robin and marian were waiting for the others to fall asleep:L:L if this is ure first attempt at r/m fluff thn ure gna be great as u learn more :D:D:D

great work hope to read mre soon :d;d
11/23/2008 c7 57Dramione Forever
Another Great Chapter. Update soon please.
10/26/2008 c6 Dramione Forever
I love this story so far. I can't wait until the next Chapter :).
8/25/2008 c5 22people-alwayz-leave
I love it! It's wonderful. I was excited to see Tuck coming into the story and I can't wait for an update!

8/24/2008 c5 Carpe Vitam
I just got into this story now, but I'm such a fan of the storyline. I hate that the writers killed Marian. Wrong. You're an eloquent writer.
8/24/2008 c5 2soulprovider
If you do then Will, Allan and Carter will come to your house and if you ask nicely then Robin and Much will come too! :)
8/23/2008 c5 X-uRbAn PiXiE-X
yey u updated! totaly agree wif your rant btw lol

anyways lvd this chap of course nd pleasd we've met friar tuck

update wen possible please

steph xx
8/23/2008 c5 33MaidenStar
I've just come across this story so this is kind of a review for all of it. I really enjoyed reading your fanfic so far, it's great that you're ignoring the awful finale (dare I use the word) by including characters like Marian and Carter. I'm a huge R/M and D/W shipper so I'm glad they're all together.

On a more technical note I love you're writing style it's really enjoyable and easy to read. I can't wait for more of this but don't worry about slow updates, this fic is excellent, well worth the wait.
8/12/2008 c4 X-uRbAn PiXiE-X
this is a review 4 chaps 3 and 4. lvd them both, they were really well written. cnt wait for the update

steph xx
8/12/2008 c2 X-uRbAn PiXiE-X
aw i lv it. robin nd marian reunited! yey cnt believe robin fainted though lol pleasd will nd djaq r bk. i was gutted wen they stayed behind in series 2. oh btw can i hav carter? please please please lol

steph xx
8/12/2008 c1 X-uRbAn PiXiE-X
just found this story. lvd the first chap! so pleased u have kept marian alive and carter too cos he was jst so fab lol

steph xx
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