12/17/2003 c14 liNgErinG-sPicE
Hello! I love your story! please update soon...please please! I love Remus Lupin and finally, a fantastic fic that isn't slash with sirius and with him having a love interest! Please update quick! ;)
Hello! I love your story! please update soon...please please! I love Remus Lupin and finally, a fantastic fic that isn't slash with sirius and with him having a love interest! Please update quick! ;)
8/6/2003 c14 Rugi
I forgot my password!
I didn't know you had updated this! I am on the edge of my seat now to find out what is going to happen next.
I forgot my password!
I didn't know you had updated this! I am on the edge of my seat now to find out what is going to happen next.
4/22/2003 c14
1Milah Luciana Merverosa
This is a jolly good story! Keep up with it!
The Slytherin Queen,

This is a jolly good story! Keep up with it!
The Slytherin Queen,
3/14/2003 c13 trina-k
wait... has sirius and sosia met already?
update asap...
wait... has sirius and sosia met already?
update asap...
3/8/2003 c13
It's a bit of an odd leap between chapters 10 and 11. I suppose that was intentional, but it caught me off-guard.
In any case, I'm thrilled that you're continuing this, and I look forward to reading more!

It's a bit of an odd leap between chapters 10 and 11. I suppose that was intentional, but it caught me off-guard.
In any case, I'm thrilled that you're continuing this, and I look forward to reading more!
3/8/2003 c13 Rugi
Oh you can't leave it there! I really want to see Sirius and Sosia's meeting! I also like The description of Lupin's house. Run down old shack, just like Hogwarts is a ruin.
Oh you can't leave it there! I really want to see Sirius and Sosia's meeting! I also like The description of Lupin's house. Run down old shack, just like Hogwarts is a ruin.
3/3/2003 c1 Rugi
Hey! I just saw your pledge on the Sugar Quill and was SO thrilled! I had given up hope that this story would be finished. Can't wait for the next chapters.
Hey! I just saw your pledge on the Sugar Quill and was SO thrilled! I had given up hope that this story would be finished. Can't wait for the next chapters.
1/6/2003 c12 Rugi
Are you going to update this story? I was really enjoying it! I hope it isn't going to be abandoned?
Are you going to update this story? I was really enjoying it! I hope it isn't going to be abandoned?
12/24/2002 c12
*sigh* Oh dear... STILL no Sirius, and STILL no really promising signs of a future for Remus and Sosia... I may have to go and bury my head in the sand for another three months, and hope that there's more when I return! Keep the chapters coming, and oh that's right, Merry Christmas!

*sigh* Oh dear... STILL no Sirius, and STILL no really promising signs of a future for Remus and Sosia... I may have to go and bury my head in the sand for another three months, and hope that there's more when I return! Keep the chapters coming, and oh that's right, Merry Christmas!
12/24/2002 c9 Emlizanne
Have I mentioned how much I like Sirius? Because I *really* like Sirius. This was a sad chapter, but well written and sucinct. Now, onto the next!
Have I mentioned how much I like Sirius? Because I *really* like Sirius. This was a sad chapter, but well written and sucinct. Now, onto the next!
12/24/2002 c8 Emlizanne
It's Christmas Eve and I have finally found time to sit down and catch up my favourite stories! The good thing about this is that a lot of them are now finished (YAY!) but the bad thing is that I'm way beind with reviewing. This is going along well so far... I'm looking forward to the meeting with Sirius though!
It's Christmas Eve and I have finally found time to sit down and catch up my favourite stories! The good thing about this is that a lot of them are now finished (YAY!) but the bad thing is that I'm way beind with reviewing. This is going along well so far... I'm looking forward to the meeting with Sirius though!
5/10/2002 c12
Ah, the Cliffhanger! That's always been my weapon of choice and it's only now that I realise exactly how annoying it must be to readers! PLEASE UP DATE AGAIN SOON! *breathes heavily, eyes bulging slightly* Ahem, sorry, little over excited that I'm back on the net. (Some damn idiot let a bug loose on the college computers and they've only just got them back on line.)
Anyway, fabulous chapter! Bringing Kirley into the fic was interesting, hope he shows up again soon. And Snape? More Snape! And as ever, there is one person in particular that I want to see, soon! You know who it is! *stares hard with Sirius-Padfoot eyes*
Update again soon! The suspence is gonna kill me if I don't find out what on earth is going on! *clasps hands together, pleading* Please - please - please please please pleasepleaseplease etc etc etc ad infinitum ;D

Ah, the Cliffhanger! That's always been my weapon of choice and it's only now that I realise exactly how annoying it must be to readers! PLEASE UP DATE AGAIN SOON! *breathes heavily, eyes bulging slightly* Ahem, sorry, little over excited that I'm back on the net. (Some damn idiot let a bug loose on the college computers and they've only just got them back on line.)
Anyway, fabulous chapter! Bringing Kirley into the fic was interesting, hope he shows up again soon. And Snape? More Snape! And as ever, there is one person in particular that I want to see, soon! You know who it is! *stares hard with Sirius-Padfoot eyes*
Update again soon! The suspence is gonna kill me if I don't find out what on earth is going on! *clasps hands together, pleading* Please - please - please please please pleasepleaseplease etc etc etc ad infinitum ;D
4/29/2002 c12 Belle Dame sans Merci1
This makes a good transition into the next events. I can't wait to find out what Dumbldore wants exactly. I also like that you are allowing Remus and her to get reaquainted. Things take time after so long. Great story, but I need more of it!
This makes a good transition into the next events. I can't wait to find out what Dumbldore wants exactly. I also like that you are allowing Remus and her to get reaquainted. Things take time after so long. Great story, but I need more of it!
4/29/2002 c12 Sosia Camillina
Yeah! You mentioned me! And I am crushed to hear that the story may take longer to come out. But also happy because I know it WILL be coming. Don't give up! We still LOVE it!
Yeah! You mentioned me! And I am crushed to hear that the story may take longer to come out. But also happy because I know it WILL be coming. Don't give up! We still LOVE it!