Just In
for Fantastical Poems of Glory

3/25/2008 c3 1chavon13
HAHA! Finally Ron took care of that darned cat!
3/25/2008 c2 chavon13
Finally sitting down to review the wonderful continuations of you Fantastical Poems of Glory collection! This was genius at it's best. I laughed so hard at the final line!
3/21/2008 c4 33runningfingers
Poor stupid Draco!
3/20/2008 c3 runningfingers
NIce, but not my favorite.
3/19/2008 c2 runningfingers
Wow. You just wrote Whomping Willow/Remus, didn't you? At least onesided. Wow. Just... Wow. I'm speechless.
3/19/2008 c2 3JennBenn3148
I seriously sat here staring at this for about 2 minutes going wtf? and then burst out laughing...I have no idea why its so amusing but for some strange reason it really is..these poems amuse me to no that being said I'm now going to whine that you haven't updated He's such a dick...whine...okay I'm done seriously though I liked the poems...I liked harry's miserable life one better but simply cause it was longer..although I can actually see the whommping willow swaying in the breeze and quoting poetry oddly enough lol...great job and update son please :D
3/18/2008 c1 13XeeWrites
3/18/2008 c1 33runningfingers
This is really funny. You asked for suggestions? How about Lavender when she's with Ron?
3/18/2008 c1 Naesy
"This mirror just gave me a rock.

Um, thanks?" (Sniggers. Just... sniggers.)

3/18/2008 c1 1chavon13
ROFLMFAO! Oh my goodness. I almost died laughing. "Quirrell stutters. What a pussy." Oh man this is great.

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