Just In
for A Dream To Fight For

7/1/2011 c9 15Shikamaru'sLove
Update! Please! This was so cool!
4/24/2010 c8 Hellyeah13-04
I like it please keep writing!
2/5/2010 c8 5Nitrea
Awesome story!

-Love Nitrea ;)
5/31/2009 c8 Zuki Miyazaki
ah you have to continue i want to know what happened im so in depth with this story i kept trying to find the next button ...but it wasn't there please keep going.
12/31/2008 c8 Autarkic
Hah! Eat that you sluts! Please update soon, cuz i love this story!
12/30/2008 c8 5Cheeto-ScorpioDimagram
WO HO! THIS WAS AWESOME! XD Ive been waitin for this chapter for eva!
10/3/2008 c7 Cheeto-ScorpioDimagram
Hey! :D Remember me! XD Sorry it took so long for me to read this, i didnt have a computer for the longest time, then the stupid huricane came and washed away my house, but now im hangin out at my aunts house! Yay! ^_^

awesome chappy! I really liked this one! :D Your doing really good with the story, keep up the good work!
8/1/2008 c7 4ShikaKibaShinoGal
HA ha! Denial is what there all in. Its funny. Can't wait till next chapter!
7/28/2008 c6 5Cheeto-ScorpioDimagram
WO HO! YOU Go Girl! I Loved the Chapter! Yes, i just got back internet, but only for now, its temporary. ill try to get internet at my house pretty soon. so ill check out your other stories later! bies!
6/25/2008 c6 Dark-Rei-Cloud
WO! LINKIN PARK! 8D please continue ^O^ Yaho!
6/23/2008 c5 Cheeto-ScorpioDimagram
WOO HOO! ^_^ I LOVES IT! hehehe, ah, the sluts try to hard, i feal sory for them...*snicker!* hehehehe!

Good job on the chapter! Im realy lovin' the story! keep up the good work!
6/23/2008 c5 Dark-Rei-Cloud
I love your OC story its really awesome! :D And i like how you make the chapters nice and long ^o^ pwease continue.
6/23/2008 c5 4ShikaKibaShinoGal
Aw! Itachi and Sasuke falling in love! lol! Its so cute!
6/22/2008 c5 guardian of vampires
I love ur OC there great

I soo cant wait til u update
6/8/2008 c4 2Sly-Miu-Lurve
I think it was good good
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