Just In
for Can't help myself

8/14/2015 c4 Annari Love
Hey! I read your page. I guess I am addicted to yaoi. Forgot when it started. Probably since Naruto or Princess Princess. Used to think it was weird, but then I started to pair up sasuke and naruto, searched up all kinds of fanfics and now I'm hooked. I don't see much of a prob in those stuff anyway, just that it never used to cross my mind. I prefer it in anime though and yes, I tease my brofriends and put them in pairs too, especially since most of them are cute and few are manly and hot. They totally freak out when I ask them to do hentai. Haha. Lol. So I know where your coming from. I like this fanfic you wrote though hope you continue. Your a really interesting person. Oh and don;t et me wrong, I'm a straight girl or whatever. Keep up the good work.
4/7/2014 c4 1veterianarian
Your first riddle was pretty easy I got it figured out in a few seconds but the second was really clever I would have never thought to use a calculator also awesome story I have been gunning for those two the entire series
12/22/2013 c4 mandarinnnnnnn
Aww I wanna read more, why u no update

11/10/2012 c4 3Soul Vrazy
Interesting! Update fast!
4/8/2011 c4 3Imako Nomi
Kyya love it! Can't wait for moe!
1/18/2011 c4 aaa
awwww...tooru and yuujirou are sooo cute

plz update i really like the story

my guess is a library
11/6/2010 c4 7Silver-Moon-Light94
oh mi gosh i so wish this pairing was cannon but sadly its not T-T anyways can't wait 4 an update ^^ wonder who will be the prince at the ball :) keep up with the awesomely fantastic writing!:D
10/9/2010 c4 40Miss Hal Gibson
This story is amazing! :D I love it! I know it's old, but, I hope you do continue one day. :)
9/26/2010 c4 Sorafiredemon
I realize that you havn't updated this story in forever and have probably lost intrest in it by now, but please ! If you have any love left for this story please update it! I just finished the anime and so far this is the only decent story I have found on this pairing! I need it... please?
9/9/2010 c4 2Sarah32138
this is sooo cute. are you gonna finish it?
8/7/2010 c4 3TrollFox
I loved the story. please do not delay to update, ok?
7/13/2010 c4 8Fredrikness
Update soon...


2/26/2010 c4 6Natsuna-chan
Nice story. I like it hope u update soon.

3 Na-Na1026 ;]
1/13/2010 c4 The Doctor Lives
i love your story can't wait for the next chapter.
11/19/2009 c4 papapapuffy
ok I admit it I had to write it down too

update update!
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