Just In
for Legend of Spyro: The Dragon King Part 1

4/11/2012 c1 spyrofan34
love it
4/11/2011 c1 spyrofan35
love it
12/13/2008 c24 2swordmaster003
I really liked how you strethened the relationships of father and son between Spyro and Falzar and Mark and Sedro. And why is Reven back on the evil side? I smell betrayel and corruption in his veins!
12/13/2008 c23 swordmaster003
Wow...Tyreal just got owned! Lol! Very nice dude. The descriptions of the fighting were phenomial!
8/29/2008 c22 swordmaster003
Interesting, I wonder how Tyrael knows Sedro?
8/27/2008 c21 swordmaster003
I guess Spyro and Mark are equally matched. Awsome battle!
8/27/2008 c20 swordmaster003
Awsome battle and Spyro re-learned the ice breath! Yeah!
8/27/2008 c19 swordmaster003
Nice battle.
8/27/2008 c18 swordmaster003
Wow...this was so bloody it reminded me of shadow of the collisum lol.
8/27/2008 c17 swordmaster003
Cool Mark isn't blind, has a awsome sword, and we now are going to see some epic battles whoo hoo!
8/23/2008 c16 swordmaster003
Lot's of darkness in the story. It's awsome! I can't wait to see a confrontation between Mark and Tyranus!
8/23/2008 c15 swordmaster003
Wow this is one good chapter. Also I like that Cynder and Spyro are actully falling in love.
8/23/2008 c14 swordmaster003
Well Mephiles is defiently pure evil. Also that was the easiest boss battle ever! Hahahaha I would laugh if the boss was actully that easy if your story was a game.
8/23/2008 c13 swordmaster003
Boss battle! OH YEAH!
8/23/2008 c12 swordmaster003
The tension increases!
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