Just In
for What If I Told You?

1/25/2010 c1 ellevee
I think I'm kind of split. I'm not a huge fan of poetry, even though I can appreciate some of it, but I have a feeling if it was Booth reciting poetry to me, I might begin to like it a WHOLE lot :-)
3/26/2009 c1 16Angeldream05
You DO want do make me cry tonight! :-) (even if yesterday was this fic's first birthday as I see but I just read it!) This was so sweet and emotional! M and right now I'm thinking about kidnapping Booth ;-) For good purposes, of course! And here I'm with him! and although I'm not a big fan of poetry I'm a hopeless romantic :-D
1/4/2009 c1 Username Unknown
Love it! Perfect, wonderful, sweet and absolutely bone melting when he's seducing her with his thoughts. Seriously... GAH! So yummy!
12/2/2008 c1 97bingblot
Jane Austen is my hero too! (Actually, looking through your profile, I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't twins separated at birth... Love Jane Austen and Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers and...) I'm not a huge fan of Byron, although I will admit to enjoying poetry in certain moods.

As for Booth's words... um, you had me melting in my seat and he wasn't even talking to me. If he had been and been as close to me as he was to Bones, I'd probably be dead by now. Oh so hot and so very sweet!
11/16/2008 c1 14the 85th writer
Heh. Definitely with Booth on this one. No matter how much you say poetry sucks, and how it isn't really something that fits in with this time, it's always nice to hear someone say it to you :D

10/7/2008 c1 5Hannah J Granger
That was one of your best one-shots :)...i absolutely loved how romantic and gorgeous it was. It makes everything, even the prospect of physics homework ok to deal with :P


10/6/2008 c1 33hpaich
Wow. That was REALLY, REALLY good. I swear I could picture the entire scene in my head, I could almost feel the sunshine on my face. And all the stuff Booth said...oh, my goodness.

I think I would probably laugh at someone who tried to be romantic by quoting poetry to me - although I don't really have a problem reading it. But, if someone (Booth, perhaps?) said the stuff to me that he said to Brennan? Weak knees, Aisle 6!

Excellent job - seriously.
5/30/2008 c1 17DarkStrider
Yes! *dances* Awesome :D
5/28/2008 c1 24Hidden Fairy
“If I said I loved you Temperance, what would you do?”

*sighs dreamily* if only they would hurry up and get on with it.

Ok i am seriosly LOVING these fics of yours. you are probably sick of me reviewing them all at once, (i should really be writing an essay), but i have just found them and cant stop! They are too GOOD!

Your newly devoted fan and reviewer

Hidden Fairy

ps. thanks for your review on my fic "You were Dead"
5/27/2008 c1 1acceb
I love this. So sweet and romantic. Thank you.
5/20/2008 c1 38saragillie
Wonderful story. Loved it. I'm not much of a romantic, but I do enjoy poetry, mostly the ones that aren't about romance. I have to admit a weakness for 'My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose' by Robert Burns though.
5/19/2008 c1 4BxBforever
I agree with you and brennen peotry is over rated Formost are the so called poems that don't rhyme and by reading them you can't discern a pattern. Its IDIOTCY!

P.S. I'm sorry, we're reading Beowulf in English 11 and i can't get into it cuz it's written stupidly!

P.P.S. Anyhoo, Goddess of fanfiction you astound me with your literary prowess yet again.
4/21/2008 c1 OutlawsLady
I don't like sappy poetry, but I'll take one of him to go please...
4/12/2008 c1 7Fishback1
o that made me feel all warm and fluffy inside! especially when booth was whispering... you're good - too good! you have amazing plot bunnies and i cant wait for more!

have to say - im in teh middle - a bit of both... some poetry just moves me while others seem pointless:D
4/1/2008 c1 91Lizicia
I am all pro-romance but common sense and rationality is always needed at times. But you conveyed their emotions very well as I think Brennan could never resist Booth if he told her all those things. *sigh* love is beautiful.

P.S. "She Walks In Beauty" is probably my favourite poem. Lord Byron was the greatest (and the most handsome :P)
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