Just In
for Lost And Found

8/24/2008 c17 65416
oh god... Oh God... OH GOD! XD

I'm shaking in my seat, I tell you, SHAKING! ^_^ Bet it makes you glad you're not within grabing distance from me, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'd be shaking YOU by the shoulders in a big shaking frenezi with all the other readersif oyu were! XD

-Falls off Chair-

-breathes in... breathes out...-

-Gets back ON the chair-

OK, I'm SLIGHTLY calmer now ^w^

GODS! Amazing chapter!

We're getting closer and closer to the core of things =3

And Team Hebi (or Hawk as I think it's the newest name) makes an appearance! ^.^

I absolutely LOVE you for putting them in here! They're some amazing plot material... and always a useful source to get Naruto's nerves in a tight twist with jealousy ^_^

Suigetsu's anger was MARVELOUS! (as was his colourfull greeting) I like him being upset because of Sasuke's attitude =D

Geez! I can't wait to find out the WHOLE truth about everything! I can barely breath with all the exited feelings... which considering my little cold-induced-breathing-problems is NOT really that great of a thing... o.O xD

But oh well, those are the little sacrifices for reading such an amazing story ^_^

So yeah, =) I suppose I'll see you again in two weeks -sighs..- I'll survive this! YOSH! -Gods... I'm already talking like Lee... must be the cold-medications... don't take this little ramble too seriously xD

Oh, and DON'T worry about the reviews... people must be too bussy with school work, or too lazy to do anything else for now... 'cause belive me, NO ONE who started reading this fic could EVER get tired of it ^.-

So, see you soon! ^.^

8/24/2008 c17 29The Only Love For Soujiro Seta
wait is Sasu in dream world or what?
8/24/2008 c17 16Crazy PurpleSage
No, I'm sure everyone loves the story. Please don't fret. I do that sometimes, too: I like a story, but don't have time to read it so I will wait till it's all done. Don't worry. I think your story is awesome. Very original and it's worth every bit of time spent reading it.

On to the review. Very interesting. I didn't know that Team Hebi/ Falcon aren't in the anime. What is going on with Sasuke in the anime? I prefer the manga, I think I've given up on the anime by now. Have you been keeping up with the manga?

So maybe it was to get rid of his old team that Sasuke supressed his old memories. If he couldn't remember something, then they would leave him alone? I can't even begin to fathom your thoughts on the story, but I am always anxious for each chapter. I promise I will review every chapter. You will not lose me. Not until the very end. You have me hooked.

Yay for the 7th of September! I want to see where this is heading. If Sasuke is really just in a dream/ memory, then he is in no real danger. Hopefully, this will give back Sasuke his memories/ Or at least one more clue closer to the truth. :D
8/24/2008 c17 2skyglazingMaro
I love the story but man why did they erase Sasuke's memory anyway
8/24/2008 c17 PL4YGR0UND
Hi ^^

I simply adore your story!

i'm looking forward for next chapter xD

Sa'Suke is so sweet :3

8/24/2008 c17 1RayOfSunshine88
I still like the story! =) But anywho, I'm curious as to find out what Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu want with Sasuke... Hm... Well I can't wait for the update, see ya in two weeks!
8/24/2008 c17 2narutoisuke
i like just not a lot happend lol more yaoi i get u have to have a plot but i want more i really like it still
8/24/2008 c17 2arisaxlavi911
I LOVE this story still! I am now really looking forward to the 7th. I really enjoyed this chapter and hope that the next one is as good as the others! Good Job and keep up the good work!
8/24/2008 c17 6itachi and naruto's puppy

Yay! Juugo and Suigetsu^^

*hates Karin for some reason* Meh this chapter was cool. Keep it up^^
8/24/2008 c17 inu-kikki demonic
i stop reivewing because i thought one reivew was good sorry i still love the story
8/24/2008 c17 kai
i guessed as much,the cursing confused me for a bit thinking it was will naruto and the others actually see them?much support
8/24/2008 c17 6EmoLollipop
OMFG! Suigetsu! ^0^ *rabid glomp attack*
8/24/2008 c17 6Aria-Miyazakii
I love the story! I would give you more then one reveiw a chapter too...if it let me. Can't wait for more!

8/24/2008 c17 2GoodnightSleepTight
I still like the story, but please make the chapters longer if the updates gonna be rarer! :)
8/24/2008 c17 xxABANDONEDxx
cool chapter, can't wait to see what happens next
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