Just In
for Lost And Found

3/7/2014 c18 1LouiseUchiha
Poor baby
The end of the chapter was very heartbroken

Well ABbout your amnesia...Maybe a dissociative amnesia.
3/7/2014 c15 LouiseUchiha
Errr ok...I think I was looking for a NaruSasu story...
3/7/2014 c14 LouiseUchiha
But Sasuke didn't activate the Sharingan in that battle..It was with Lee..
3/7/2014 c13 LouiseUchiha
Awwwwwwwwwwww Sasu-chan is so cute!
He said dobe!
3/7/2014 c12 LouiseUchiha
Ok. Sasuke was seme before? O.o
3/7/2014 c11 LouiseUchiha
Sasuke is not innocent anymore! Oh hell!
3/7/2014 c10 LouiseUchiha
WHat a sad chapter but really beautiful!
I thought Sasuke was Kakashi's son
Now I see he is not.
3/6/2014 c9 LouiseUchiha
Well, at least Shino and Shikamaru were more decent.
Come on Naruto, tell him!
3/6/2014 c8 LouiseUchiha
Lee made me shiver!
Tenten? WTF? makes everyone gay in Naruto xD
Sasuke is so cute!
3/6/2014 c7 LouiseUchiha
Ahhh it was close!
Poor Naruto, he is very sad
Sasuke is so freaking cute!
3/6/2014 c6 LouiseUchiha
hahahahahaha wt hell?
haahahahahaha Sasuke you are making everyone pervert xD
3/6/2014 c5 LouiseUchiha
hahahahaha Kiba thinking about a cat! xD
Yes, Yes Sasuke-chan is a candy xD
Poor Naruto, he cant kiss his baby...Because He doesnt remember him :(
3/6/2014 c4 LouiseUchiha
Sasuke is so damn it cute! I want to hug him!
Your NaruSasu are beautiful!
3/6/2014 c3 LouiseUchiha
They found out!
3/6/2014 c2 LouiseUchiha
Naruto-sama? LOL Naruto
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