Just In
for Lost And Found

3/26/2008 c1 4LoveisSame333
go! uke sasuke. please contiune. good story. :)
3/26/2008 c1 1RayOfSunshine88
haha, i want to know more!
3/26/2008 c1 6EmoLollipop
OMG! a new story!^^ when ever Naomi says "good boy" i immediately think of Tobi XD

Sasuke sounds so cute!^^
3/26/2008 c1 2GasunKugi
the title kind of freaked me out! but it was better than I expected
3/26/2008 c1 8Sabaku no Sable
3/26/2008 c1 6foreverloved
Cute begining, I really like it. =) I really love the ukey Sasuke too! Go uke!Sasuke!
3/26/2008 c1 17XxpwnagexX
Good story!
3/26/2008 c1 1Shi-Toyu
Holy fucking Jashin-sama damned shit...You better fucking write fast.

Yours truly,

Shi Toyu; President of Shi Toyu inc. and Crackfest Co.

PS Wishing you and yours a wonderful day and a large amount of time to write.
3/26/2008 c1 shirilyle
kool keep it up

so what going to happen now

will sakura try to get sasuke to her self
3/26/2008 c1 1arenha
Aw!~! Sasuke's cute as always!~! ^^ Ahahahhaa, I wonder if Naruto has to care for Sasuke!~? AHAHAHHAHA.

Well, anyway, I hope the chapter is updated tomorrow!~! It seems like an INTERESTING story line!~! ^^
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