2/26/2009 c21
Oh dear! darling don't worry about the story it's not worth it at the cost of your health! you certainly have my support as a reader of your work! I hope you will get better and that this heart problem wont need to be a factor in your future or stand in the way of happiness!

Oh dear! darling don't worry about the story it's not worth it at the cost of your health! you certainly have my support as a reader of your work! I hope you will get better and that this heart problem wont need to be a factor in your future or stand in the way of happiness!
2/21/2009 c21
I really hope you get better soon. That is very scary news to receive. =( Just take it easy, and rest. Get better soon, and don't worry about meeting anyone's demands for an update or whatever. Do it only if you want to, not because you feel obliged. Hope you get well, and I will pray for your health! Good luck.

I really hope you get better soon. That is very scary news to receive. =( Just take it easy, and rest. Get better soon, and don't worry about meeting anyone's demands for an update or whatever. Do it only if you want to, not because you feel obliged. Hope you get well, and I will pray for your health! Good luck.
2/21/2009 c21
6itachi and naruto's puppy
Aw poor Anthoinette. I love this story to. However your health is more important.
Currently I'm writing a KakaNaruSasu fanfiction. If you like that 'threesome' then reply to this whenever you feel able [ the fic won't be up unti Easter due to school ] and I shall dedicate it to you^^
I'm looking forward to when the next chapter comes out, I've just read Chapter 20 now ^^; [ I know I'm slow ] but anyway I'll leave you with a line from this very fic!
[If I've got it wrong I'm sorry but I tried to memorise it because it's one of my favourite lines XD] 'Why are they so freaking huge!' [I might just steal that line for my fic... o-o if you know what I mean...]
x Jitzi x

Aw poor Anthoinette. I love this story to. However your health is more important.
Currently I'm writing a KakaNaruSasu fanfiction. If you like that 'threesome' then reply to this whenever you feel able [ the fic won't be up unti Easter due to school ] and I shall dedicate it to you^^
I'm looking forward to when the next chapter comes out, I've just read Chapter 20 now ^^; [ I know I'm slow ] but anyway I'll leave you with a line from this very fic!
[If I've got it wrong I'm sorry but I tried to memorise it because it's one of my favourite lines XD] 'Why are they so freaking huge!' [I might just steal that line for my fic... o-o if you know what I mean...]
x Jitzi x
2/19/2009 c21
lol. that'll never change. xD I wrote my first yaoi and i'm proud of. it. :3 hisaoxKaien lolz.

lol. that'll never change. xD I wrote my first yaoi and i'm proud of. it. :3 hisaoxKaien lolz.
2/19/2009 c21 gaaranojutsu02
AW! It sucks when you have a condition...I get panic attacks (they think i have ocd)and usually that leads right into an asthma attack so i know how it feels to be stuck at home. I was out of school for a month and in the hospital in and out. Anyway, I hope you get better soon!
AW! It sucks when you have a condition...I get panic attacks (they think i have ocd)and usually that leads right into an asthma attack so i know how it feels to be stuck at home. I was out of school for a month and in the hospital in and out. Anyway, I hope you get better soon!
2/19/2009 c21 65416
-HUGS- Poor Sweetheart! (no pun intended ;p)
No, seriously, that's a pretty bothersome problem. I lived through something similar some years back... but not my heart... my head (O.o) Got dizzy spells all day long, I couldn't even walk in a stright line! DX
But... damn... I REALLY hope you get better soon, hon. AND TAKE IT EASY! -shakes you around- Noone will stop supporting you for something like this! -keeps on shaking you- Those are not fans! true fans ALWAYS remain! -shakes some more-
-stops shaking you-
...All this shaking isn't very good for you now, is it? -_-"
Ah well! ^_^ As long as you keep taking proper care of yourself, I'm content!
And look at the good side! Think of all the plot bunnies that will pop out all around you in this time of rest!
Though it may not be THAT good... those little bastards can be RABID!
-hands out a crowbar and a couple of granades- ..just in case.. O.o
lolz, Anyways, now speaking seriously (not that rabid plot bunnies aren't serious O-O): I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you can get better soon! and if not, well... there's always the CHOCOLATE! xD
Hope to find you better soon! ^_~
See yA!
-all Naruto cast behind me stands up with big-ass banner-
-glomps and twirls away while cackling madly-
-HUGS- Poor Sweetheart! (no pun intended ;p)
No, seriously, that's a pretty bothersome problem. I lived through something similar some years back... but not my heart... my head (O.o) Got dizzy spells all day long, I couldn't even walk in a stright line! DX
But... damn... I REALLY hope you get better soon, hon. AND TAKE IT EASY! -shakes you around- Noone will stop supporting you for something like this! -keeps on shaking you- Those are not fans! true fans ALWAYS remain! -shakes some more-
-stops shaking you-
...All this shaking isn't very good for you now, is it? -_-"
Ah well! ^_^ As long as you keep taking proper care of yourself, I'm content!
And look at the good side! Think of all the plot bunnies that will pop out all around you in this time of rest!
Though it may not be THAT good... those little bastards can be RABID!
-hands out a crowbar and a couple of granades- ..just in case.. O.o
lolz, Anyways, now speaking seriously (not that rabid plot bunnies aren't serious O-O): I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you can get better soon! and if not, well... there's always the CHOCOLATE! xD
Hope to find you better soon! ^_~
See yA!
-all Naruto cast behind me stands up with big-ass banner-
-glomps and twirls away while cackling madly-
2/19/2009 c21
you suck! (Just kidding ;)) but seriously if you need to take a break then you should go ahead. i understand the whole school and job stress thing. did you say jobs though? as in more than one? thats crazy. im barely keeping my sanity with one. hope you get better and get some time to relax

you suck! (Just kidding ;)) but seriously if you need to take a break then you should go ahead. i understand the whole school and job stress thing. did you say jobs though? as in more than one? thats crazy. im barely keeping my sanity with one. hope you get better and get some time to relax
2/19/2009 c21
Get well soon, Anthoninette, i do hope you update soon but i still want you to get better so don't stress out with this story.
Much love.

Get well soon, Anthoninette, i do hope you update soon but i still want you to get better so don't stress out with this story.
Much love.
2/19/2009 c21
Aww its a shame to hear you're taking a break but it's for a good reason! Hope you get better soon and have lots of rest too! XD Hope to hear from you as soon as your better!
Take Care

Aww its a shame to hear you're taking a break but it's for a good reason! Hope you get better soon and have lots of rest too! XD Hope to hear from you as soon as your better!
Take Care
2/15/2009 c20
I faved this story when it wasn't even finished...but I read it now and GODAMN was it worth it~!
Awesome writing and excellent plot! *thumbs up*

I faved this story when it wasn't even finished...but I read it now and GODAMN was it worth it~!
Awesome writing and excellent plot! *thumbs up*