Just In
for Journey Back Into The Past

4/26/2010 c5 1XsuicideXkittyX
oh i like this is really do hope u upload soon
5/25/2009 c5 8Miss.PirateQueen
5/6/2009 c5 11Uxiegirl
OMG! Hunter's STILL in Widows Vale after 5 YEARS! Get a life, Hunter! Sheesh.

Shouldn't Mary K. be in college or something, too? Living in your parent's house at age 19 isn't very impressive on her part.

But I'm kidding (sort of). It was actually very good and very cliffy, too. Good plot. Not the best wording or the best details I've ever seen, but then again, I think that's a bit too much to ask anyway.

Keep going.
12/20/2008 c5 8babylopez2008
aww c'mon it was just getting good! can't wait!
12/20/2008 c4 babylopez2008
omg he's so close!
12/20/2008 c3 babylopez2008
that's cute that she mumbles just like aunt., but wouldn't Hunter sense her magick?
12/20/2008 c2 babylopez2008
omg I actually have butterflies!
12/20/2008 c1 babylopez2008
It just hurt my heart when Hunter lied to her. I feel her pain.
11/28/2008 c5 1Annanna20
great story please update soon i wanna know what happends next.
11/23/2008 c5 6lovingo0Kawaii0oGirl
please continue! i love it!
10/8/2008 c2 2Destinypaige
so good. holy crap. cant wait for the next one
9/14/2008 c5 DDMS35
You did an amazing job! Keep writing, i need to know what happens! haha
9/13/2008 c5 7Pwallabeway

write more.
9/4/2008 c5 Maximumride156
give next chapter now please!
8/28/2008 c5 2sunfiresoftball
NO! why a clifhanger! so not fair! please please update soon! that is so not fair! but anyway really really good story!
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