Just In
for Journey Back Into The Past

8/20/2008 c5 1EruditeMeTonight
Oh god, you just have to update as soon as possible! The story's well writen and I like the way you just so instantly changed the POV its fun to read.

8/15/2008 c5 LightBitterNess
y did u have 2 stop der!

its gettin really interestin

good job :)
7/30/2008 c5 2Phoenixfire979
NO You cant just leave us here! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I need more!
7/28/2008 c5 43PreviouslyDead
very good, this is one of the only stories involving a kid with morgan as a parent that i could stand to read.
7/23/2008 c5 book babe1990

i love this story

i cant believe you left it like that!

i want to know what happens next

keep writing!

lotsa love

6/10/2008 c5 1Natsu And Liss
I like it and can't wait for more. Please update soon.
6/8/2008 c5 3spazzysassyangel
UPDATE soon I need to see what happens
6/7/2008 c5 R-luvs-butterflies
You're so mean to leave it there! (kidding :))
6/7/2008 c5 3JessMess


I love this story and may I say you are really good with the cliffhangers and suspense! I need to read more!

6/7/2008 c5 8xXHiddenSecretXx
AH I HATE CLIFFYS! You have to update soon! PLEASE!

6/6/2008 c5 bookworm2009
i love this's about time hunter found out about Moira...he deserved to know even if he did lie to morgan and break her man deserves not to be told he has a child
5/14/2008 c4 R-luvs-butterflies
ooh...I'm sensing drama coming it so far :)
5/4/2008 c4 Blackice814
I like the plot so far and I think you could make this in to a great story, but I think Moira should be more child like and less prefect.But I do love the story and cant't wait to read more.
4/24/2008 c4 8Setsuna's cas
OMG! Please update. I am in love with this book now. I can't wait to see what happens.
4/24/2008 c4 5Diespedes

LOVE your story! can't wait to read more
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