Just In
for Journey Back Into The Past

3/28/2008 c2 4X-x-XLissaX-x-X

I like it... Bastard Hunter doing that to her in that state... what a dick! You have to bring Hunter in soon though!

Another thing... how old roughly is Morgan now? I can guess the other ages after that!

Update soon!
3/28/2008 c2 3spazzysassyangel
I love it update soon
3/27/2008 c2 8xXHiddenSecretXx
Cool story. Great idea. Well written Please update soon!

3/27/2008 c2 1mrs edward cullenxxx
great chapter! update soon!
3/27/2008 c1 7nightwatchman707
oh, i like it. not sure i understand it completely though. whereabouts in the timeline is this set? does ciaran still have his powers? update soon. :)
3/27/2008 c1 1mrs edward cullenxxx
love the chapter! it sounds rele good so far! update!
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