6/22/2008 c62 ichirukipwns
omg. i knew it was kerry. that guy...he's such a psycho! i hope everything works out.
omg. i knew it was kerry. that guy...he's such a psycho! i hope everything works out.
6/22/2008 c62 Ashlyn13
All i have 2 say is WOW!This is one of the absolute best fanfics i've ever read.I cant believe its already 62 chapters long.Neways amazing chapter!UPDATE RITE NOW! :) I knew it was kerry.I bet dani and matt saw pablo and jean kissin.
All i have 2 say is WOW!This is one of the absolute best fanfics i've ever read.I cant believe its already 62 chapters long.Neways amazing chapter!UPDATE RITE NOW! :) I knew it was kerry.I bet dani and matt saw pablo and jean kissin.
6/22/2008 c62
Dang Kerry! lol. You've got me hooked, so UPDATE REALLY SOON PLEASE!

Dang Kerry! lol. You've got me hooked, so UPDATE REALLY SOON PLEASE!
6/19/2008 c61
Whoaa! Didn't see that one coming.
I'm so glad you finally updated!
I've been waiting, and lets just say
you made me one happy reader!
Update soon.
I definetly loved it!

Whoaa! Didn't see that one coming.
I'm so glad you finally updated!
I've been waiting, and lets just say
you made me one happy reader!
Update soon.
I definetly loved it!
6/18/2008 c61 iluvlucy
loved it loved it loved it, as usual! i thought kerry was in jail, how did he manage to get out again? well don't leave us hanging for so long this time k? haha:)
loved it loved it loved it, as usual! i thought kerry was in jail, how did he manage to get out again? well don't leave us hanging for so long this time k? haha:)
6/18/2008 c61 ichirukipwns
phew! i'm glad junior is going with her. stupid kerry! how'd he get out again?
phew! i'm glad junior is going with her. stupid kerry! how'd he get out again?
6/18/2008 c61
SO GOOD! And nice and long too, i need to learn how to do that. lol :) I loved that update but i am dying to know who the mystery man is!

SO GOOD! And nice and long too, i need to learn how to do that. lol :) I loved that update but i am dying to know who the mystery man is!
6/17/2008 c60
heyy...have fun in hawaii...i went there for spring break...neva really got the chance to relax though since i wasnt wit my family and we were on a plane every other day...literally... but hey it was funn
aloha lol

heyy...have fun in hawaii...i went there for spring break...neva really got the chance to relax though since i wasnt wit my family and we were on a plane every other day...literally... but hey it was funn
aloha lol
6/16/2008 c60 princess of punk 619
I bet Kauai was nice? Is There going to be another chapter coming soon? With a worried a face :( Anyways get back to me as soon as you can,k? ^ ^
I bet Kauai was nice? Is There going to be another chapter coming soon? With a worried a face :( Anyways get back to me as soon as you can,k? ^ ^