Just In
for Krunior Love

6/16/2008 c60 SHELLEY82
can`t wait for update
6/16/2008 c60 82BookCaseGirl
can;t wait for the update! i love your story!
6/9/2008 c59 ichirukipwns
omg! so intense! great job! you've got me hooked! it was kerry wasn't it? haha! him again...
6/7/2008 c59 1duckie2011
dARn THats sad...i feel so sorry for them
6/7/2008 c59 iluvlucy
wow thats intense...i'm really glad kris is back to normal now and i've always liked when kris' past catches up to her! can't wait for more:)
6/7/2008 c59 WildfireLover
I'm glad Kris is back but wow, with everything with her mom! Loved It!
6/6/2008 c59 5friedlikebacon
Uhh oh!

Updatee soon!
6/6/2008 c59 2Kathy0518
6/5/2008 c58 3summergrlx17x
yay jean and pablo! so happy kris got her memory back keep updating!
6/4/2008 c58 ichirukipwns
great job as usual! we! haha! keep it up!
6/4/2008 c58 silvermist92
its good that kris is givng nicaya another chance
6/3/2008 c58 princess of punk 619
Does this story continue and does this chapter continue? Let me now,k! See ya later. ^ ^ :)

6/3/2008 c58 Ashlyn13
6/3/2008 c57 ichirukipwns
dude that was awesome! great job!
6/3/2008 c58 2Kathy0518
LOved it!
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