Just In
for In a Station of the Metro

4/6/2008 c2 Raneechaan
It's so nice! I love it! really :)

I hope you update soon ^o^
4/6/2008 c2 6intercostalspace
it's okay to move fast! :D i hope even though you cut some scenes you don't fill them with fluff...i tend to just browse fluff. thanks for the quick update! write more soon.
4/6/2008 c2 5IZH890
wah cliffie T.T this totally rocked XD i wonder how rukia had gotten herself into a hospital though XD

keep up the great work i cant wait to see how this turns out (but i will be sad when its over too ^^)

4/6/2008 c2 5DeviantHollow23
Haha, subway girl. Haha. Oh and one more thing...NO! WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME! *sobs*...Ok I'm cool. I can't wait for next chap. *snickers and rubs hands together* Oh this should be good. HAHA! Anywho, keep up the great work. Hopefully she's alright, seein' as shes at the hospital. I'm sure Ichi will take 'wonderful' care of our lil' Rukia. *smiles all insane like*. Update soon. Lata.

4/6/2008 c1 5IZH890
hehe sorry im a lil behind on this XD even if the 2nd chp came out ima review anyways ^^ i loved this ichiruki ftw ^^ keep up the great work im loving this story already :P

4/6/2008 c2 oddvariety

That was a fast update (not that I'm saddened by that).

Subway girl!

I can't wait to see what happens.

So please, keep on updating!


4/5/2008 c1 1A Silver Tongue
hi there! man, i love this fic! it has such an interestig air, and ichigo is a doctor , i love it when ichigo's a doctor, someday i will be a doctor myself jejeje, anyway i really liked the scene in the subway, such a nice fight!jajaja really, i really liked this story make sure to bring chapter 2 soon! Glorious Kyouru Shimuri
4/5/2008 c1 5TokyoEbara
Ha ha ha, keep going!

It sorta freaked me out at the begginning because I thought that Rukia had written that note.

Yes! IchiHime shall not prevail today!

Almost done with a pic.
4/5/2008 c1 oddvariety



It's different from the other stories I've read and I love it.

Please continue this story.

I'll be waiting for you to update (which I hope is soon).


Please, keep up the great work.
4/5/2008 c1 6intercostalspace
write more soon! :D
4/5/2008 c1 5DeviantHollow23
HA! I love it! I just can't get enough of the Ichi/Rukia banter. But then again, who can. Awesome job. You diff' have my attention. :D Do update soon. So lookin' forward to next chap. Till next time. Lata.

4/5/2008 c1 Hanekari
this is a very interesting story hahaha...metro huh? destiny's power, just what we like ;). it is so cute, fighting from the first time they meet xD.

can't wait for the next chapter :) update soon please n_n
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