Just In
for In a Station of the Metro

6/6/2008 c16 8RomitriIsMyMaximumMortalFlaw
WOW! That was REALLY good. Keep them coming! =p
6/5/2008 c15 sakurax1314
WOW! That was really good. Kep at it!
6/3/2008 c15 4Bleach Munky
Great Story so far... and a mighty fine cliff hanger too... lol i cant wait to see what happens next... update please! and keep up the good work :D
6/2/2008 c15 NC2001
Ooh...I wonder who her father is...I'm going to guess Grimmjow! ;-)
6/1/2008 c15 71Trumpet-Geek
Oh, how sad... :'(

Please update again soon!
6/1/2008 c15 MysteriousEyez
BO! Screw Nel's real daddy..who is it by the ay I can't remember if it was mentioned in the previous chapters =/ is it Grimmy =O that could explain nel's hair but w/e. I await the next update!
6/1/2008 c15 icymist
wow really good chapter.

aww sad at the end!

update soon please!

love this story!
5/19/2008 c14 NC2001
Another wonderful chapter! I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to their engagement!
5/18/2008 c14 dimplesingh91
omg, I really really love it soo much, its like such a sweet story, buts theres still soo much mystery, and I can't wait till the next chapter! Great work! I look forward to the next chapter : ]
5/18/2008 c14 yumichan808
lol, great job! i just read all forteen chapters like that!
5/18/2008 c4 8CharmingMurderess
ah! he had a child?

how tragic! lol
5/17/2008 c14 3Blue-Zangetsu
thank you finally. on your whole bad feeling thing i get the same thing. Try to update this again and soon
5/17/2008 c14 6intercostalspace
thanks for the update.
5/17/2008 c14 icymist
aww i loved this chapter.

nice rukia & ichigo got it on haha.

anyway it was really cute.

ha sorry about your brother.
5/17/2008 c14 MysteriousEyez
Wow Rukia and Ichigo know they moving fast, seems like just yesterday they were arguing with each other now they gonna go and get married, what next Rukia pregnant,=O! I swear ya can't find this type of stuff anywhere but on FF, I love it lol!
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