Just In
for One More To The List

8/26/2016 c1 nayin1704
2/27/2013 c2 1Brooklyn Byrne
Yes more! (please)
12/12/2011 c2 C
I like this, its very good.
6/20/2010 c2 Ginny Weasleys best friend

8/13/2009 c2 24DukeBrymin
Wow, how awkward for Dudley.
8/13/2009 c1 DukeBrymin
I sympathize with Harry's quandary.
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
: - )
10/16/2008 c2 151Bendleshnitz
Oh it was sweet!

Good thing you made two chapters

At first I thought they were talking about Draco

But this was a very wise choice, LOL

5/11/2008 c2 119nicarchive
ahaa, once again you got me literally picturing this scene in my head. if i could draw, i would have an entire section dedicated to you.

is it just my computer, or do like most of your stories have the first line twice?

4/30/2008 c2 10SWChica2005
I loved both chapters and I think it would be save to keep going. I mean, you can have Dudley becoming completely introduced into the wizarding world and maybe learning it's not as bad as his parents make it seem...
4/23/2008 c2 78BookkeeperThe
yes yes yes! add more please, I love it! if other people don't want you to they don't have to read the rest!
4/9/2008 c2 CrayonsPink
Please, add more! It is a great story!
4/8/2008 c1 19madAmeSaysWhAt
Plz plz PLEASE add a scene from the wedding! PLEASE!
4/6/2008 c1 CrayonsPink
Great story! It would be cool if there was a wedding scene, but this story could stand by itself.
4/5/2008 c1 4DarkScar26
Fantastic!, I love the weddings, jajaja (I am very romantic and sentimental), update quick please.

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