Just In
for Across the Universe

1/19 c1 Sam
This. Is. Amazing.
1/5 c1 Now Account
Wow. That was heavy, but oh so well-written.
I would've quite liked it to continue.
11/16/2024 c1 Guest
Brilliant writing.
Makes me cry confused tears every time.
10/17/2024 c1 4Rachelme177
Great story. Thanks.
10/16/2024 c1 lunaz
Brilliant, shame there is not more.
10/6/2024 c1 a.vago
Like this story very much!
Thanks for writing and sharing it with us!
10/5/2024 c1 Guest77
This was so bittersweet:(
9/16/2024 c1 sarahsezlove
Beautifully done.
9/16/2024 c1 EVIds97
Excellent on all fronts
9/2/2024 c1 Guest
Just thought you should know that I have read this again cos I think about it at least once a month since you wrote it. You are a genius.
8/31/2024 c1 hdres
A nice story. Thank you
8/31/2024 c1 johnny99
Great little story, thanks!
6/22/2024 c1 Guest
I honestly love this.
4/8/2024 c1 gab
first fic ive ever read in , and im so glad i did
4/6/2024 c1 majere4
Wow... that was freaking intense.
It fit Harry so well, so completely accurate in heartbreaking ways.
Well done.
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