Just In
for Very Bad Things

4/21/2008 c1 18DangerousDiamondDarling
I so LOVED this! Best RL/SB I've seen yet :D
4/12/2008 c1 21Soap1
Oh dear lord this was fantastic. Please add more. Was this supposed to be a one shot? I certainly hope not.

What I'm trying to say is that you're a fabulous writer who captures Sirius/Remus better than anyone I've ever read! Brava!
4/10/2008 c1 1Marauder's Mad
So tender, surprising, and well-described ! I loved it a lot !
4/9/2008 c1 23Cattiechaos
4/7/2008 c1 3quivering quill
lol cute!
4/6/2008 c1 rathwynn grey
So cute!
4/6/2008 c1 chibikuro rose-sama
i really like it.
4/6/2008 c1 5twistedbrain
I love this. I love all of your stories. Sirius and Remus are just so perfect together. Plus, Sirius getting grossed out over the bathroom floor and Remus being unhelpful makes for an amusing story.

Anyway, in short, excellent job.
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