11/18/2017 c12 carrie
falling deep under the charm of your eloquently strung together series of words.
falling deep under the charm of your eloquently strung together series of words.
11/17/2017 c11 carrie
My favourite chapter till here
My favourite chapter till here
11/17/2017 c10 carrie
The last line The end 3 3
The last line The end 3 3
11/13/2017 c2 Guest
This writing style is so effective.
This writing style is so effective.
11/13/2017 c1 Guest
I’m so into this and it’s only the first chapter.
I’m so into this and it’s only the first chapter.
11/12/2017 c4 Carrie
Also, "...Such cynicism in one so young." I am not able to place it (but I've read it) and it's bugging me so much... can you please tell where is it from?
Also, "...Such cynicism in one so young." I am not able to place it (but I've read it) and it's bugging me so much... can you please tell where is it from?
11/12/2017 c4 Carrie
Some things are written with so much love and care that they end up endearing themselves no matter what. Your humor is amzaing. The writing is beautiful.
Thank you!
Some things are written with so much love and care that they end up endearing themselves no matter what. Your humor is amzaing. The writing is beautiful.
Thank you!
10/25/2017 c15 Charlotte
This fic was so incredibly written. It kept putting words to indescribable things. I finished it and texted my friend to tell her about this story in which every sentence is an orchestra. To me, it blurs the lines between poetry and prose. Thank you so much, I loved reading this.
This fic was so incredibly written. It kept putting words to indescribable things. I finished it and texted my friend to tell her about this story in which every sentence is an orchestra. To me, it blurs the lines between poetry and prose. Thank you so much, I loved reading this.
10/13/2017 c3 Rascal
I am deliriously giddy about this story.
I am deliriously giddy about this story.
10/13/2017 c1 Rascal
"Oh Christ! I need that foot, it's my favorite one!" Sirius squeals in a voice that would be absolutely gay coming from anyone else, and gets to his feet with an awkward lurchy movement that would resemble a dance move, were it not for the look of impending death on his face.
Oh this made me CACKLE. I LOVE how you write them.
I feel like I should warn Serius if he breaks Remus’s heart James is gonna kill him.
"Oh Christ! I need that foot, it's my favorite one!" Sirius squeals in a voice that would be absolutely gay coming from anyone else, and gets to his feet with an awkward lurchy movement that would resemble a dance move, were it not for the look of impending death on his face.
Oh this made me CACKLE. I LOVE how you write them.
I feel like I should warn Serius if he breaks Remus’s heart James is gonna kill him.
8/27/2017 c15 Stephan Grundy
Remarkably charming and well-written; definitely deserves its place on the list of "21 Harry Potter Fanfictions to Read Before You Die"!
Remarkably charming and well-written; definitely deserves its place on the list of "21 Harry Potter Fanfictions to Read Before You Die"!
8/5/2017 c15 Guest
That was fucking brilliant
That was fucking brilliant
7/20/2017 c15 Akanksha
You broke my heart because you stopped writing...
You broke my heart because you stopped writing...