Just In
for Very Bad Things

7/14/2017 c1 horandeneve
Reading for the third time because it's just PERFECT
6/19/2017 c6 Ignotus Rabnott
I love this portrayal of Wolfstar!
5/29/2017 c15 ananonomousbooklover
5/28/2017 c15 2vampdreams
Loved it
Simply brilliant
Great stuff _
Oh I love this ship
5/26/2017 c6 31GeekMom13
oh this is the perfect amount of joking and fun and tension and everything good in the world
5/18/2017 c1 1Laura00
I love this story so much! Remus and Sirius are perfect as characters and as a couple. But when they told James about their relationship you could have written something about negative reactions. In 1977 not all people did approve homosexual relationships, that was left out.
4/16/2017 c15 Ms Me Myself
I am sorry but I am crying
After reading this an hour ago
I am still crying.
Thank you so much for this.
It breaks my heart that it's over.
The story that comes after
Breaks my heart further
I am a terrible poet
Sorry about that one
I hope it touches other hearts
like it did mine.
4/2/2017 c15 Guest
Love it.
3/24/2017 c15 erintherese86
I loved this. Just so good.
3/20/2017 c15 Guest
Thank you so much for this weirdly wonderful story! Your writing style is brilliant. *bows*
3/17/2017 c15 6Peregrine Bones
I just love this fic. This is my 4th time rereading it. It is so beautiful, sweet, funny and real. You have really captured them perfectly. Thank you!
3/10/2017 c15 holysnitch
Love it.
2/16/2017 c15 Guest
This made me feel so much. It's the middle of the night and I'm not sure what to write, I'm sorry. I love this. I love it.
2/13/2017 c15 Kim
I know this is fairly old now, but I'm reading it tonight for the first time. I just thought you should know how excellent this writing is. It's beautiful, and I cried. That is all.
2/9/2017 c15 4ShalWright
Great ending chapter...the scene where they're talking about leaving Hogwarts made me nostalgic for when I left college (many years ago!). I think you captured that mood perfectly. Oh, and the line about a war being fought by the generation who inherit its outcome - brilliant!
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