Just In
for Falling

2/26/2009 c1 blaineanderson
I had read this, this morning before I went to work, and am only getting to reviewing it now, but I gotta say- it put a gigantic grin on my face as I made the way out the door.

Really, just the perfect little snippet of BB lovin' to start the day.

Thanks for writing this! :)
10/22/2008 c1 30CupcakeBean
This was way cute and sweet! It brought a smile to my face on this boring Bones-less Bonesday. :)
10/22/2008 c1 14the 85th writer
Whenever, wherever your headache took place, I applaud it for inspiring this plot bunny. I
8/27/2008 c1 21BetweenTwoWorlds
AW!That was so adorably cute!I loved it, it's so going in my favs. Booth should really use that sometime. I think you should send it in and tell them to use it in the new Great job, really. :)
8/3/2008 c1 70DaLiza
Very cute! Laughed at Angela telling the paramedics not to interrupt Booth and Brennan. Nice job. :)
7/31/2008 c1 8MoonlessNight27727
that was really cute, they make a good couple heehee
6/22/2008 c1 61AssortedScribbler
I cannot believe I missed this one! It's gorgeous, and so so so sweet! I love fluff, especially your stuff. BB fluff is always good to read, and this has definitely brightened up my day! I loved the little game with her kissing him better, and Angela made me laugh out loud at the end. Briliant fic, write again soon!

5/25/2008 c1 149Lizabeth S. Tucker
Loved the story, loved the tip of the fiction hat to Indy as well.
5/19/2008 c1 4BxBforever
he he hee he he you are amazing !
5/17/2008 c1 notmagnificent
XDD I love it!
4/28/2008 c1 28brenthforever
omg i was laughing and awing so much that now i have a head ache from lack of oxygen
4/23/2008 c1 Ash211230
AWW! That was so cute the way Brennan was kissing away his pain.

“No!” she declared, in a tone that was decidedly hostile. “If you break that up, I will personally make sure that the only ones needing medical attention will be you two.”

That was so funny!

Great job.

4/23/2008 c1 night
aww. poor baby. hope your head feels better. i love your story. the comment about hitting your head being similar to being drunk made me laugh. hope you decide to write another story.
4/12/2008 c1 6GGjunkie33
Very cute! Love B&B comfort (who doesnt?) :)

Great job! :D
4/12/2008 c1 7Fishback1
lmao! that was hilarious! i think you should insure your head, cuz if anything happens to it, all these wonderful plats will get lost!

im still laughing - that cheeky booth:D
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