Just In
for The Natural Animagus

3/30/2024 c1 Spharex
You couldn't have known this when you wrote this story and you are probably aware of this, but 'aplha male' aged like milk in the summer sun.
7/20/2023 c21 dragonjws1
I loved this story. I found it by accident and I'm glad i did. It is well written and engaging.
7/10/2023 c21 Navn Ukjent
Very nice fic.
7/3/2023 c20 1Jimbocous
Thanks for a great (re)read. Very nicely done!
3/19/2023 c1 Bob
I'm not sure The8thMarauder understands what plagiarism is. Manatocfox, the author of Growing Up Kneazle, writes, on the very first page of that story, "Credit for this story idea goes to The Natural Animagus written by wsbenge." And even if that wasn't made clear, The Natural Animagus was completed two years prior to Growing Up Kneazle even being started, so the plagiarism charge is misguided at best, libel at worst. Finally, any claim of plagiarism on a Fan Fiction website is a bit silly. To quote The8thMarauder, "like thats (sic) just sad."
2/26/2023 c1 1svenijsselsteijn
love the fic
2/4/2023 c8 crashthisnow
You know... I really feel like crying right now. No not because the story is stirring my emotion's in any way, rather quiet the opposite in fact.
The story has been about reading sentence after sentence, close to no real conversations.
Overall a interesting concept with a boring way of saying what the story is about rather then telling a story.
11/28/2022 c1 The8thMarauder
This is plagiarized from Growing Up Kneazle like thats just sad. You cant even take credit for it
8/18/2022 c21 Lola Krantz
Jjust read this story again. Thoroughly enjoyable read.
7/15/2022 c21 Yummybuns
5/18/2022 c21 Cindy Reilly
Awesome story, one of my favorite heroes was Robin Hood, thank you. I have read many stories but none that came close to the excellence of this story, again thank you so much for this story. Please keep writing.
3/1/2022 c12 22Lady Rosalune
I like this concept, but I think the conversation is a little stilted. None of the kids really talk like kids to me, and Harry certainly stopped talking like a boy raised by cats after just a couple of chapters. I also feel like he’s got all the advantages of being a cat and no weaknesses. But super creative all around
1/22/2022 c21 Dayside
Fantastic story. Too short tho. Just as the story was getting good it's over. peh!
1/22/2022 c4 Dayside
Him becoming a Gryffindor makes absolutely, utterly no sense. He's Hufflepuff to the core. The huffliest puff.
Cringe to force canon like that.
1/8/2022 c18 63Epeefencer
I totally disagree with your view on Harry,s outlook about marriage, children and having a so called mate. While he did spend years as a kneazle, e was still genetically a human with a human,s biology. especially a teenagers physiology, specifically a human male teens hormones and growing up kneazle would not have changed that.
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