Just In
for Black Sheep

5/14/2018 c1 Guest
Hahhahaha. Sooooooo funny.
8/28/2009 c2 6OhtarIstar666
Yay both brothers. Good job
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
Not bad.
10/16/2008 c2 151Bendleshnitz
These black sheeps are the best ones in that horrible family...well, Andromeda too...and maybe Narcissa int he very deep of her soul and at the end of the books...Anyway, you know what I mean, LOL

5/22/2008 c2 Pooches
i really really really really really really really really really liked this story! it was great! sirius is the best hp character, so it was cool to picture what his sorting would have been like. i've read other stories about sirius at hogwarts, and they make him really OOC, but i think this story pictured him PERFECTLY! well done!
5/11/2008 c2 119nicarchive
i actually pictured all of that.

like, i closed my eyes and saw sirious laughing his ass off as he high fived james.

bravo. for regulas, too. who i really want to hug.

do you think if he ever got a proper hug he might have turned out better? ahaa :)
4/22/2008 c2 5Iphigenia Black
Loved both chapters! How are you going to continue that story? Hope you update soon!
4/11/2008 c1 veg.out
That was realy good, i like it alot. It seems the most likely thing to happen and your wrote it realistically and very interesting. Good work.
4/11/2008 c1 3Lotiolentus
Well done :) Hope you write more!
4/10/2008 c1 15klainelynch
Not original, but still a good read. A few spelling errors, but nothing major. Short, but the perfect length. Good job!

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