Just In
for Humming Nymph

7/25/2017 c1 73UndoubtedlyTheWine
Poor Moony!
7/19/2012 c1 26ShinySherlock
:) Very cute. I love Tonks and Lupin. Oh, and for the other reviewers who asked, the song is "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran, from 1982.
8/29/2009 c1 1marshmallowchoclatebunny
what song is it exactly? and i love the remus head banging thing
8/16/2009 c1 Siriusmunchkin
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
“My bad.”

that is your catch phrase.
10/16/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz

Very funny!

I'm like that too. When a song is stuck in my head I HAVE to listen to it like twenty times before another one replaces it. Always with songs in my head...can't help's kind of like a disease because I can't do anything without singing in my head (if not aloud) which distracts me at work or while studying... is life so is not so bad, LOL

5/3/2008 c1 119nicarchive
i actually ALWAYS think of remus when i hear that song.

very nice.
4/13/2008 c1 rjlupin12
That was funny. Poor Remmy.
4/11/2008 c1 4Hand Over The Stimulus Money
I know how it feels to be like that, can't get the song out!

What song exactly is it?
4/11/2008 c1 8Purplestar Leader of awesome
what song was it?
4/11/2008 c1 7Lee-Aeront
i loved it, the same thing happens to me too.
4/11/2008 c1 9caraez
That's a good song, but the radio hasn't played it in a while. :( anyways, very cute, I loved Remus's head-bang.

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