Just In
for False Identity

7/16/2010 c1 15AlexNameless
Wow, that's a very, very good explanation for why Kabuto was with orochimaru, and a very good explation of why he was at kikyo pass! I always tried to piece together why a kid would have been at a battlefield, and that's a good potential answer, too. I admit i'm not crazy about the idea of him being a hyuuga, but its an genius idea nonetheless.
12/12/2008 c1 13Ishasuki Mitochi
Wow. Interesting. I never considered anything like this. But I love the kabuto-as-a-double-agent thing. Very well written, well thought-out. :)
6/11/2008 c1 LISTEN SWEATY
hmm! intersting! orenji likes! anyway, the whole Idea of Kabuto being a double agent for Konoha AND being a Hyuuga is a good idea/plot for a story! it takes some skill the think something like this up, and you've got it. good job with this too!
4/15/2008 c1 18Gaara's Little Girl
. . .

WOAH! THAT WAS SO AWESOME! You know, this doesn't have to end here. This could be an amaizing story if you let it continue.

4/15/2008 c1 82KHwhitelion
I love this story, superior-san! so cool!
4/14/2008 c1 4Adelaide 'Adell' Peirce
This is quite interesting. More please.

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