Just In
for A Friend? A lover?

4/15/2008 c2 iamkagomeiloveinuyasha
totally of the awesome variety
4/15/2008 c1 iamkagomeiloveinuyasha
4/15/2008 c3 Lostinlove93
This is a really good story :) i dont know how you came up with the storyline but congrats! your storyline is so unlike others that ive read and thats what makes it awesome to me!

keep writing and update soon!
4/15/2008 c3 4CoralElizabeth
OMG GREAT as usual poor chris never knowing what love feels like. Loved the kiss also can't wait for the next chappie.

p.s. define legal i love it lol
4/15/2008 c2 CoralElizabeth
Chris totally kicks butt. I loved the way you showed chris viewing wyatt as an angel and how you included almost all the charmed ones and there husbands. Can't wait for the next update
4/15/2008 c1 5X5-494
:O you can't just stop there. Great premise, please update asap...would it help if I said it was my birthday tomorrow and this would make a wonderful present? :D
4/15/2008 c1 4dragonsflyfree

Please continue, you´ve made a great start...

4/15/2008 c1 Sicknote
Hm...interesting. I don't really know what to think of it yet since it had barely started but I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops and we get to the "good" bits (i.e. the Chris/Wyatt bits! hehe). So all there is to say is that Chris's parents were sick bastards that deserved to die and I look forward to the next chapter :)
4/15/2008 c1 4CoralElizabeth
GREAT please update soon!
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