Just In
for You Can Try The Best You Can

3/11/2012 c6 2Team Belikov
hahahahahahahahha ohh fred your a classic... hehe awesome fanfic ! updatee soon! :P
2/2/2010 c4 7Kill4Karamel
This is really good! Although, apparently Google Translator failed you ("I" in french is "Je" not "I"). I don't usually read Bill/Fleur fics, but this was nice.
8/30/2009 c6 2LeylaFenixx
OMG! You're so good at this. I specially enjoyed the R/T and the George/Angelina, I think they make a really cute couple and I loved the way you portrayed them in the ficlet.
8/14/2009 c6 24DukeBrymin
I really liked this one, thanks!

Although, I'd love to see you do a Harry and Ginny one that is different than the Quidditch kiss.
1/2/2009 c6 poweredbycoffee
that was really sweet.

but where is the h/g and r/hr?
1/2/2009 c5 poweredbycoffee
you write then so well. nice job.
1/2/2009 c4 poweredbycoffee
next time u and i write a b/f ur doing fleur and doing her accent.
1/2/2009 c3 poweredbycoffee
1/2/2009 c2 poweredbycoffee
great job geting Luna right
1/2/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
very cute
11/27/2008 c1 the fan of everything
can you do a charlie and oc i really want to see that. Even though it never happened. Keep typing
10/16/2008 c6 151Bendleshnitz
Oh! You're so good writing these type of fics!

Make one for Harry and Ginny and another for my favourte couple (R/Hr) please

4/30/2008 c6 100WickedSong
another romantic kiss... they are all so... romantic.
4/29/2008 c6 4serenity12345
hmm, I don't know, I always liked Fred/Me or Angelina and George/Alicia
4/23/2008 c5 2emrldeyes
The chapters are good, i just wish you wouldn't repet the first sentance twice. =D
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