Just In
for Home Number Seven

2/24/2017 c11 10boothaddict77
Continue this... We need some good ff to distract us from all the other rubbish. Sometimes I think Bones is a social experiment and they'll do all they can to make us hate it, but some suckerslike us still watch and love it
7/29/2014 c11 redorchid23
update please!
3/13/2013 c11 Sqully
I really wish you would have finished this story, its awesome and well written! Love it
11/5/2011 c1 zombienath
Erm... in the first paragraph, I think you combined your first and second edits. It changes the length of her time in this home in two different sentences, and repeats the third.
9/27/2011 c11 channylover9753
5/2/2011 c11 49AmethystDreamer
I love this! Please don't forget to update!
4/2/2011 c11 2xbonesloverx
oooh man :o

I really want you to update at this minute. pleasepleaseplease pretty please, update :D
3/27/2011 c4 12ZeldaPotter
Omg! my names Eli xD or at least my nickname is... But anyway, thisis a good story I love it :D You got Bones' how can I put this... Akwardness? Perfectly :)
2/21/2011 c11 helikesitheymikey
I personally think Booth is an idiot in the show...or maybe his tumor is back? one can only hope there's a medical reason for why he's acting so stupid.

honestly I've almost been boycoting the whole season since Baghdad Barbie showed up...just reading the fanfics and fanrants and short recaps.

my mom keeps thinking that Hannah will be killed off and while I wouldn't mind I don't want Booth pining over his dead'd be much cleaner if she dumped him or was evil...I thought she was evil the first episode when she was SO INTERESTED in Booth's office...too interested honestly.

anyway love your story. really hate Cam.

so...this gonna wrap into cannon or not?

2/15/2011 c11 3DiamondSparkle199
I agree craziness but they are like over now yay bliss and happiness please update soon! Hopefully lol
2/13/2011 c11 20Savior Emma Swan
I had completely forgotten about this fic! It's nice to read something AU again. As for Hannah: Ding dong the witch is dead! The wicked witch! The mean old witch! Ding dong the wicked witch is dead! It does sort of suck that Booth proposed to her in the first place, but now that she's gone everything can start going in the right direction. I think he really was just trying to convince himself that he was over Brennan. He never would have been completely happy with Hannah. Looking forward to another update; hopefully it won't take almost a year! :)
2/12/2011 c11 coterie2
Fun story; keep it up!
2/12/2011 c11 Justine106
I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more! It's very sweet and cute.
2/12/2011 c11 Alexandra-Casey-Olivia
It was good, i cant wait to see what you do next. Please update soon.
2/12/2011 c11 3Ellkat
i'm really liking this story :)

booth is soo sweet :)
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