Just In
for Those Left Behind

8/23/2014 c3 Guest
I know it's been several years since you updated but I really wish you would finish this story
1/26/2009 c3 2HighPriestessOfTheDreamWorld
This is a briliant look at the whole legend. It's a fascinating twist to have Marian as the lead outlaw and the others following her orders. I like how you've written her as tough and determined. Djaq and Will are cute. Robin is Robin...what can be said about him. Much is cute and John is great as the protector. You should really update this.
8/13/2008 c3 I-Hate-Bananas
i loved it...

cee x
8/11/2008 c3 2soulprovider
Oh! I've been on holiday for two weeks with no internet acess and this is what I find when I get back! *Grins* This is awesome. Really want to know what scathingly brilliant ideas you both are brewing up =)
8/7/2008 c3 12Madame Beret
Aww, I always love it when Allan finds someone he's serious about!



8/7/2008 c3 8Esmerelda Diana Parker
Loved it! ooh i loved Little John's part! Poor Will and Much...Robin was just being a cheeky git...but poor Will and Much...*shakes head* Eve and Diana have a moment when they talk about Much to each other where they are pitted against each other...or at least confronting each other about their feelings for him...OHH! Do I...err...Does Diana get to punch Eve? PLEASE! *gets on knees and begs*

Update soonish please...
8/6/2008 c3 WishfulTrance
i loved it when John talked to them, i was rolling around laughing!

WILL- You still are

Keepress- He's just moody because he couldn't go for a walk with Djaq in your story.

Will- i don't see why you love them so much.

Keepress- Update soon! *giggles hysterically*
7/7/2008 c2 I-Hate-Bananas
it james, cee's bf typing for her cause she cant...

loved it great chap and creepy guy is so much fun

cee x
7/1/2008 c2 WishfulTrance
lol! creepy guy is fun! this was great,update!
7/1/2008 c2 Esmerelda Diana Parker
*pounds Guy's face in with a rock* I really hate him...

*squeals and claps* I LOVED THE SPARRING SCENE WITH ME AND MUCH! LOVED IT! *goes to read it again before sticking tounge out at Eve*

Aww...Will loves Djaq and Allan loves Ellen...and most likely Ellen returns Allan's feelings...correct?


*sticks tounge out at Eve* My Much...*grins*
5/10/2008 c1 1Keiri Bradon
:P Please update, this is a great story!

4/24/2008 c1 mimilorenz
Guy is so creepy! I can't help but feel sorry for poor Ellen, for having to put up with him. I'm loving it so far, and can't wait for more!
4/24/2008 c1 35Aleisha Potter
I like it so far. The flashbacks were so touching, they brought me to tears! I can't wait to read more. I like how you two are portraying Ellen so far. Great!
4/20/2008 c1 HereNoLonger
Me like this fanfic!

Update soon!
4/20/2008 c1 I-Hate-Bananas
wow, love it cant wait for more update soon

chanel xx
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