Just In
for A Noble Beast

2/8/2020 c1 31Born-Of-Elven-Blood
You have a true talent for the bittersweet and tragically beautiful! Splendid!
5/26/2016 c1 39Riene
I simply love this one. Several great lines in here, his smile which was an honest expression of his joy, his reassurance he would be a true and dear friend...if she would allow it, and how he was so perilously aware she was a living woman. Very well done, great single scene. :)
6/23/2012 c1 1BlazeoftheInferno
I find this very accurate to his personality. It is well written and enjoyable to read. Well done!
9/15/2008 c1 Violane
Oh, the sincere sweetness of it! These are aspects of Erik we rarely see. Thanks for posting.

~ Avernestar
4/21/2008 c1 11BleedingHeartConservative
Simply beautiful. What more can I say? I would not change a single word. I could read it again and again and again... (in fact, I think I may go do just that right now.)
4/21/2008 c1 Madhatter45
Aw, Erik...
4/21/2008 c1 Avernestar
"His thin lips curled into a smile which, though horrible, was an honest expression of his joy." - GREAT line!

I am looking forward to more pieces of this little Leroux plot bunny! This is a good start-off. Please more!
4/20/2008 c1 13sparklyscorpion
RAA. I am glad that you did not stuff this bunny any further for it was likely to explode! I think that you did a great job of expressing Erik's thoughts and emotions here without fluffing it. I think that Erik is in character and very Leroux, and it really fits into the story well. :)

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