Just In
for Manage Thy Anger

6/22/2010 c4 2ShadowLuvr2010
XD Dat was hilarious when Knux & Shaddy pulld dat prank on Tails! I almost fell off my chair! Ur a natural, dude! :D KEEP DOIN UR THANG! X3
6/3/2009 c12 3darknessDemon
Dang, not even my story broke the 4th wall so much in one part...well maybe except for the part with L and Edward. Nice that you finally finished one of your stories, it was a good one.

Wait – if you had the Master Emerald all along, how was Knux able to summon it in Chapter Five?

Why was there no backstorys for all of the ISB charrys?

I noticed you gave me the Fransico treatment and gave me one line...
5/18/2009 c10 1Momoko T. Kitsunee
How the hell is EVERYONE using the Chaos Emeralds! O_O
5/13/2009 c1 17GIGA-XISBASS
4/3/2009 c8 2X-NikkiLorraine
Really enjoyed this so far. Keep up the good work :)
3/31/2009 c8 3darknessDemon
Best. chapter. evah.

Hahahahha James reading SonicXNaruto? thats hilarious...and creepy. Shane FTW. Naruto characters now, eh? Intresting

Britney and I are practicly dating hmm? Thats not true, yeah!
2/25/2009 c7 darknessDemon fight scene. I loved the transformations. So uh, next chapter gonna go back to the other people?
1/30/2009 c5 blackbass
lol this is funny, even though I have no idea who your friends are. I think it would be hilarious if Charlie had some kind of severe farting problem. lol
11/28/2008 c1 7Fullmetal Knight
I bet you have seen Sonic Uncut.
5/31/2008 c2 WolvesRule
Alright dude, you are one of my fav, so you had better continue or I will be forced to send rabbit squirrels from hell! So continue!
5/31/2008 c1 34Aerith The Evenstar
Good Chap! Kermit? Do you mean 'Kermit the Frog', as in the 'Muppets'?
5/30/2008 c1 WolvesRule
Funny and I haven't even arrived at the second chap!

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