Just In
for Don't Forget to Breathe

12/15/2014 c6 Kitsune-sama888
6/1/2013 c6 foxitanaru123
I like it pweeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeee continue! 'makes naruto's puppy eyes'
10/24/2012 c6 thelastunicorn
i love this story. it is really good. i can't wait for the next chapters to come out soon.
8/25/2012 c6 Kuscena1245
Love it. Please please please continue and update soon.
3/19/2012 c6 14AnjoRemix
what war! . waahh it's been 4 years and the war hasn't even started yet soooo they get plenty of time to prep for the war... XD
8/9/2010 c6 manga freak
hey good work so far

i know you haven't updated in ages

but can you please update this story is really good
12/10/2009 c6 12vd.alfredo
it´s very good

hope u update soon
8/30/2009 c6 1CleverBast
hope you update soon!
7/26/2009 c6 6alexa-catta123
Wow... Really good.:D So when did Itachi get there?
5/11/2009 c6 1yakunantenshi
love the updata soon
12/31/2008 c6 9You can run but you can't hide
Please update!
11/30/2008 c6 8lunarmidnightwolf
ah the suspence this is so mean to end it here! you must continue!
10/12/2008 c6 16Light and Noise
-glares- Suspense is my rival and she is on my top six pet peeves. So, next chapter soon, yes?
10/12/2008 c6 14hanakisa
wah i want itanaru action wah! please update soon so i can see itanaru action!
10/12/2008 c6 elfspirit7
Cool chapter, but NO cliffhanger! Please update as soon as you can, can't wait to read hte next chpater XD!
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