Just In
for A Different Generation

6/12/2009 c1 4Crimson Masquerade
BAW poor Draco. T_T I know that he changed after the war, he had to! This fic is really good and I like your introspection on our favorite Malfoy. Great job!
3/6/2009 c1 214-eyedDragon
So cute. I love these kind of stories, especially when they are Draco-realizes-he-screwed-up-and-wants-better-for-his-son kind of story
10/16/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz
I love Draco. I always knew he was a rela good guy on the inside :)

6/19/2008 c1 poweredbycoffee
Happy Birthday! I really love this story and I'm not the biggest Draco fan. Very nice work.

P.S. Saw this quote thought you might like it: A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
4/26/2008 c1 13hondagirl
I like this. It shows Draco as human and terrified of being a parent. As most new parents are. But I think he'll do well with Scorpius. Can't be any worse then his dad! :)
4/25/2008 c1 leaving now
Aw, that’s so sweet, and it’s a really good story. Haven’t read one so good in a while. I have a couple tips though. Why is the first sentence repeated twice?

“As he apparated home to shower, he saw down on the couch and started crying. He was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a son!”

Do you mean sat?

Anyways, it’s really good!

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