Just In
for Before The SPEW Moment

11/16/2008 c1 19madAmeSaysWhAt
Very cute. I like how it's a prelude to when they walked outside to Dobby's funeral.
10/12/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz
So sweet! Perfect perfect perfect one-shot of this moment.

I absolutely loved it!

It's really late so I'm going to bed, but I didn't want to sleep without reading one more GOOD fic, so I went to a reliable source (you know what I mean?) ;)

6/26/2008 c1 poweredbycoffee
I them all cute and fuzzy like this. Nice job.
5/11/2008 c1 lirpa13
thank you for writing this missing scene
4/29/2008 c1 10SWChica2005
I love missing moments from the long as they stay within the canon. Yours did that perfectly. Excellent job!
4/28/2008 c1 LittleMountainofLight
So cute and fluffy! How lovely!
4/28/2008 c1 MaNdErS20100
this was really cute!

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