Just In
for Can I Call You Something Else?

2/26/2013 c1 1Brooklyn Byrne
That was a really creative idea! I loved that so much because it really makes you think of what became of people like Draco! Wow! Awesomeness! The last line was hilarious!
9/20/2012 c1 9fatnakedkitten
OME, this was adorable! You should totally continue it! Kudos.
2/22/2011 c1 PrincessLazyPants
"Can I call him something else" HILARIOUS!
9/26/2010 c1 another-all-nighter
This was AMAZING! I laughed so hard... I love the portrayal of Rose.

Please continue the story?
7/1/2009 c1 Husky713
Amazingly cute! I love it.
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
Hahaha. That was amazingly funny. I love it.
2/19/2009 c1 faribaalways
i love how you capture what i assume is the essence of rose. its just what you'd expect from a 4 yr old. loved it
10/16/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz

How sweet she is!

"can I call him something else?" Great line, LOL

7/17/2008 c1 119nicarchive
lawls, that last line made me burst out laughing.

that was funny xD
5/1/2008 c1 43JaceDamian23
cute start, though when I clicked on your story, I was hoping for a ron and draco slash lmfao. thats alright. cant wait for more
5/1/2008 c1 HappeeGoLuckee
Cute. Thank you.
5/1/2008 c1 10SWChica2005
I'm reading this fic and I'm thinking...this is cute, amusing...then I get to the last line and can't help the bark of laughter. Great story!

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