Just In
for Wish come true0

5/26/2013 c4 Inuyasha
Hey, it's me Inuyasha look this made my Kagome cry but she says it's okay she was crying in a good way and I'll have too admit I did sorta like it too even though I do not like gays very much the wedding part did remind me of me and Kagome's wedding night and so please make a sequel 89 chapters with adopting Rikku and Yuki being nice and all that stuff. Thanks. *Kagome comes ands pulls me in for a kiss* Kagome:Thanks Inuyasha. Inuyasha:Feh. *Pulls her close to me for another kiss* Inuyasha and Kagome:Please do a seqeul. Inuyasha:Not for me but for Kagome.
5/26/2013 c4 Kagome Higurashi
Please do a seqeul, I loved it! I too would like seqeul with 89 chapters and Shu and Yuki adopting Rikku and Yuki being a little bit more nicer to him. I want to make just as sweet and loving as this one was, right Inuyasha?
5/26/2013 c4 Eiri Yuki
Hey, I want to say congrats on the story. I would also like to see a sequel. *Shu whispsers into my ear* There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you Honey. Shuichi told me to ask you to do a seqeul 89 chapters long and add in the part where adopt him and I'm a little bit more nicer to him. Thanks. Sincerely ,Eiri Yuki.
5/26/2013 c4 Shuichi Shindou
Yeah, do a 89 chapter seqeul please! This was so beautiful and sweet I actually cried when I read the wedding part! Please do more and I promise I will review it. Yuki, please tell them to do a seqeul! *runs and grabs Yuki's arm* Please tell them!
5/26/2013 c4 Gravitation fan
I loved it, I really loved it. I kind of almost had a heart palpitation after reading chapter 3 the wedding scene. And I must say you've really made Ryu so seem so mature up until that moment when he was like Ryu:Shu-kun I'm so happy for you! Runs and embraces him. That's when I said ,"That's the Ryuichi Sakuma I know". Anyway, please do another one this time make it longer like 80 chapters long and put their adopted son Rikku in it too.
9/27/2012 c4 3lovey dovey boy
thanks for it
4/12/2011 c4 2L and misa for eternity
i loved your storie it was so cute you did a really great job on it
2/15/2011 c4 2shunikki
that was amazing
7/30/2008 c4 8Lanaura
It's a really cute and sweet story. I was surprised that Shuichi knew Hikaru.
5/27/2008 c4 hinatachan the itaxnaru luver
Hinata-chan: Kanna sempai, wasn't it just wonderful?

Kanna: Get a hold of your self and stop drooling and get back to work you slacker!


Kanna: Was that a sigh i just heard?

Hinata-chan: N-no sensai! Just clearing my throat...*writes a message saying help*
5/13/2008 c4 4RitsukaVanilla
This was cute,

I liked this story. ;D
5/3/2008 c2 3Eveliina92
Aww, I almost cried! I have seen the Hannah Montana episode, and I think my eyes watered on that too. I love your story, it's going to be one of my favorites. Thanks. Please write more!
5/3/2008 c4 2DarkMetalAngel of Destruction
good story u made. make sure u check over chp. 3, there were a lot of misspelled words. well hope to read more stories from you soon. l8r
5/2/2008 c2 67David boreanaz's wife247
sweet i love it

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