Just In
for Like The Sun

7/28/2024 c1 Nashra-critic of fanfiction
This is so sweet :( So many kids don't have their parents, whether in real life or fiction :( I hope everyone finds some good happiness :( :( This was really..aww :((
10/5/2017 c1 Guest
hahaha lol aww so cute and thuis ish sad
5/17/2013 c1 2LilAl260
Awh, a well-captured moment. I really enjoyed this story.
3/8/2012 c1 2Team Belikov
bawwww this storie is soo sweet. i really like it how you acknowledge all those who died in the war and the end is funny..ohh teddy
6/27/2010 c1 32Louey06
poor llittle Teddy old enough to want to know but still to young to really understand
9/13/2009 c1 1Not For My Crown
Faved :D Beautiful.
9/7/2009 c1 pie
6/18/2009 c1 dahilsaiyo
This one shot brought tears and laughter. How tender and profound. Bless.
4/8/2009 c1 poweredbycoffee
Heartbreaking. Very good.
3/19/2009 c1 44TheFifthCharmedOne
not real sure about the title, but cute story all the same. nice job.
10/17/2008 c1 151Bendleshnitz
Poor Teddy. JK has something with kids without parents...

Nice story!

8/1/2008 c1 27WaveRider 53
Oh, this is so precious. i love it. i love stories like these.
7/5/2008 c1 154don't-look-for-me5
Aw! That was amazing!:)
6/7/2008 c1 4Potter-lovers-4ever
Loved this story really amazing...
5/16/2008 c1 themoormaiden
Aww, you made Teddy so adorable! ^^
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