Just In
for Clark Catches a Bat

11/20 c1 18LateTeas
8/25/2022 c1 I Like It Here
This was beautiful in a new way. Thank you for this.
9/22/2021 c1 br
love all your justice league/batman/superman stories 3
4/25/2021 c1 3bookworm900603
Fun read!
4/15/2020 c1 rgjflood
They’re such good friends it make me happy to see people who write Superman and Batman as good friends
12/3/2017 c1 Guest
Love this story! I didn't guess who the bat was but its behaviour made sense then. I think the part with Bruce as a human could use a few more words/a little more explanation (but not more scenes or anything, that's fine as it is), just so the reader can better understand just what Bruce realises at the end.
1/9/2017 c1 Guest
U sure it ain't slash? Cuz I mean yeah... Give a guy a heads-up or something
9/3/2016 c1 Eagle
Are you sure it was not a slash?
Because I sure looked like it
5/19/2016 c1 107Sophia the Scribe
Cute and meaningful at the same time! Amazing work.
Sophia the Scribe
11/10/2015 c1 baldwincarolyn13
This is so. freaking. cute.
6/8/2015 c1 24PrettyKitty Luvs U
Awwww... That was great!
6/2/2015 c1 8Airenee
Hahahah~! xD
4/29/2015 c1 22Portrait of a Scribe
I can't tell you how many times I've read this, but it still warms me through every single time. :)
4/27/2015 c1 8Total Batman Obsession
i love this :)
12/27/2014 c1 tobs
beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
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