Just In
for Moments

8/22/2012 c10 8MuggleCreator
Nice stuff. Keep it up!
6/18/2012 c3 4MadCatta
You've updated nothing in the past year at least, but I'm an optimist so I'll put you on alert.

I love your portrayal of the characters, especially in this chapter because I love George, and the idea that he's almost okay but not quite is how I think is right. And your next gen I love, and Ron's nice and insensitive but has good intentions... I've read quite a few things now and love them

Cait x
9/8/2009 c2 WriterInTraining713
Really like this! Very, very good.
8/29/2009 c2 viridaea312
I love this story.
8/15/2009 c10 14Splash123
Nice job! I like it.
8/11/2009 c4 86hrhrionastar
Just found this, and so far I think it's brilliant. Very well-written, excellent ideas, and I really like what you've done with the characters-really getting into their issues, their thoughts, and their relationships. Very well done.
7/26/2009 c2 5Hogwarts-Dreams
Ha, this chapter made me laugh. I know it shouldn't have, but Ron is my favourite character... Gonna read the rest now
7/7/2009 c10 41MBP
Oh, I can't believe it took me this long to review this absolutely brilliant chapter. It's amazing to me how well you understand the oh-so fragile male psyche because you really do based on my own experience with it.

It's things like these - funerals and the like - where they really need a girl around, and not having Padma there would really have thrown a wrench into things for all of them. I know I told you about my own experiences with things like these, and you're absolutely true to life with their reactions to the funeral, to each other, to everything.

The way they won't even look at each other at the ceremony is also so realistic and so hard to read. They were all obviously in so much pain, but this is the problem with the way we raise boys not to show emotion - this is the time when it would've made them feel better, but they still can't.

And then at the end, with Anthony spending too much time in the bathroom... which totally broke my heart ... you had them back to normal because they just had to be - but you were right, too. They knew, when it came down to it, that they had each other, and that was the whole point.

I loved loved loved it.
6/27/2009 c10 9melissaeverlasting
*sigh* That's boys for you. But you did a really wonderful job of describing the way they would be feeling. And the more explicit words - they're just so NEEDED! Again, why wasn't Harry thinking like this? It doesn't make sense.

-Melissa :)
6/24/2009 c10 restinpace
Well that was depressing.
6/22/2009 c10 3Jessluvsharry
Wow, nice chapter! I missed Moments. I'm glad you updated. ;D

Looking forward to your next chapter!

Love Jess
6/21/2009 c10 FinnFiona
This was fantastic. Just perfectly captures where these three would be at this point-and also the very significant role that Padma plays in their group. Because boys really can be dense about those sorts of things-or at least incurable avoiders :)

And I'm glad you didn't push them too far into something that wouldn't fit them or their age (or gender, I suppose) in comforting each other-that scene on the train in the end is just perfect.

Oh-and Michael-I love him more with each story you write. He really would be the one to speak up first... I almost expected him to throw his arms around Terry and Anthony's shoulders for just a split second, make up for what they all were lacking. But mostly I just love the way you've given such depth to these characters. Lovely job.
6/20/2009 c10 Jess.91
I do love these boys. It's a nice take on the awkward emotional side of it for them, and I love how much Terry notices Padma's presence, and how much they need her around. And its sweet how they let Anthony win at the end - I guess there's all sorts of ways to show love.
6/19/2009 c10 29100-percent-Harry-Potter-obsessed interesting view. Not many authors choose to wander inside the minds of Ravenclaws. I'm glad that such a talented author has.

Brilliant job, and I look forward to more.

6/19/2009 c10 178Ramzes
Soo sad. But I liked it anyway. Terry is so head over heels that he makes me smile. I liked his thoughts about how Padma's presence gave them balance and how isolating yourself from something doesn't make it better. And I'm immensely happy that you have decided to go back to your Moments story!
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