6/2/2008 c1 29Winterlude
Aw, beautiful. I do hope that in next season of Scrubs JD and Elliott will become a couple. They're just meant to be.
Aw, beautiful. I do hope that in next season of Scrubs JD and Elliott will become a couple. They're just meant to be.
5/9/2008 c1 9Alice.1993
that was SO sad at the end!
Amazing writing I love the way you described JD and Elliot's relationship with the 'they are like magnets' paragraph. I though it described it really well.
Good oneshot!
that was SO sad at the end!
Amazing writing I love the way you described JD and Elliot's relationship with the 'they are like magnets' paragraph. I though it described it really well.
Good oneshot!
5/9/2008 c1 7mars2192
Oh crap, the end took me by surprise. :'( Wow, for a shorter one that was really good! I loved it! I hope you write more soon! Great! :)
Oh crap, the end took me by surprise. :'( Wow, for a shorter one that was really good! I loved it! I hope you write more soon! Great! :)
5/9/2008 c1 bequeathed
Wow, that went from really fluffy to really sad. Well written though. Nice one-shot. :)
Wow, that went from really fluffy to really sad. Well written though. Nice one-shot. :)