Just In
for The Daughter of Black

8/2/2011 c8 1ambrorton
love the fanfiction story its really good. please continue this story is brilliant and very interesting.

i also have the feeling damon is tom riddle/voldemort.

now that would be amazing, please continue.

lots of people enjoy it. look at all the reviews!
1/25/2011 c8 ciaranoelle
Keep going!
7/10/2010 c8 33Pelahnar
I love this story! I notice you haven't updated for almost two years - have you given up on it completely? I hope not. I shall eagerly await chapter 9!

(Thanks for favoriting my What Love is Worth story by the way - I had begun to think that no one had read it and no one was ever going to. Thanks a lot!)
4/28/2010 c8 1whiteKnight15
Wow! That was really good! Please add more soon!
6/28/2009 c8 dontcontactme
i cant write a lot sadly-it well passed midnite & my rents wont b happy if they catch me but i like it a lot and its really good! [: but is the deal w/ damon and cedirc?
6/24/2009 c1 Lily
Just fyi, New York isn't in New England.
3/22/2009 c8 4Soccergirl0388
please update soon
2/16/2009 c6 Stardustandtwilight

I was just surfing through other Sirius daughter stories because I've been working on one since I was a freshman. I came across yours because it was intriguing that someone finally recognized that a daughter of Sirius Black would be a cousin to Draco Malfoy. ...A lot of other have Draco as their character's BF, which is kind of weird.

But also I think it is a little confusing, mostly because new paragraphs aren't started when a new person is speaking. And it has felt rushed.

Anyways, happy writing!


PS: Sometimes hard times are given to us not as punishment, but to teach us and make us stronger.
1/7/2009 c8 Rawemotion
Love this Story Cant wait till you update. love the character and the story line/ plot..

update soon and on a regular basis and Ill Keep Reading

keep up the good work
12/19/2008 c8 25carolineflickan
Okay, now I’ve read it all and like it.

One thing I wondered about is that in the first chapter you write that she’s home schooled, and then there’s something about the Salem Institute. But maybe I misunderstood.

I think the idea of Sirius having a daughter is quite amusing. I haven’t seen him as a father before. I also find it funny that Draco gets bitch slapped all the time. Well, he deserves it! It'll be exciting to see what happens between Isobel and Cedric.
12/12/2008 c1 carolineflickan
This sounds good! I don't have the time right now, but later - maybe tomorrow, I'll read some chapters. So Sirius has a daughter, ooh exciting! I'm sure I'll like this.

(Sorry for my not-so-good English, I'm Swedish.)
7/16/2008 c8 6supertrackstar
ohh i love it! its just to awesome to not continue writing yah? and how about 45 reviews?

as to damon does he have the power of legilmens i believe its called? its been so long since ive read the books im pretty sure thats what its called. im also assuming hes the servant of voldemort in her 'vision'. anyways i just absolutely LOVE your story, so please please please! update soon :)
6/25/2008 c8 2neeshanox
6/19/2008 c8 7bellatrix360
well i like it no i lie i really really REALLY like it please update asap because this is good
6/6/2008 c8 6bellacitron
this is so great. most people read only the front ppages of the harry potter section. it's done by rotation you probably are in the back of the hp rotation.

plus, you only did eight chapies.
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