Just In
for It could have been me

11/16/2008 c1 70DaLiza
Very cute! Loved Booth convincing Brennan to trust her emotions, and the two of them falling asleep together.
5/21/2008 c1 9Delilah Song
Aww, so sweet! I love BB bonding.

I could see this scene taking place too, Bones being worried about her own rational mind. And going to see Booth about it too.

*Bones glares at Sweets*

and I giggled at the Hot Chocolate comment- total Bones. :3
5/21/2008 c1 Aching Bones
Hi there,

Yes really liked this...the end was very nice and very sweet...

5/20/2008 c1 2MapleCheerUp
Cute story, good work on the characterizations...

Somehow I feel as though your fic tied up more loose ends than the actual canon episode did.
5/20/2008 c1 7SpatialHeather
Aww, I like this one, very well done :)
5/20/2008 c1 36saturn567
aww, that was amazing!

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