Just In
for Hitting Sweets

9/17/2013 c1 AP
Hey! I love Sweets! He's really good
4/8/2011 c1 Guest
Blah I don't like sweets bashing but good writing skills
1/6/2011 c1 2Kageriah
So why did Booth and Brennan get off so easily for wrongly arresting Sweets?
3/19/2010 c1 akghsfghjhjsagjh
Ah, no...thank god this is AU.

I would stop watching Bones if this happened.

Wow, you hate Sweets...Like really hate him.

I like Sweets (now LOVE) and I admit what he did was wrong. But it created a good episode (We got to see Booth naked. NAKED!) and Sweets got told by Brennan. He isn't a little boy.

This is good writing, but you have some sort of prejudice against Sweets. It's great writing... but no prejudice against Sweets.


And she hit him twice. And Sweets never played around with Zack.

Just leave the poor kid alone!

Very good writing though.
2/19/2010 c1 3B and E
Whoa. o 3o

That was intense.

I'm liking this super assertive Brennan. 3

I can't wait to read the rest of your stories!

If you don't mind, can you please check out my story?

It's my first ever and I'm co-writing it with my friend, B.


Please check it out. 3

6/14/2009 c1 18Brennanite47
Completely and totally with you on that, girlfriend. Sweets deserved every word of that. That's pretty much how my schedule is too; get up, go to school come home and live on here.
4/8/2009 c1 anonomouse
Wow. Someone REALLY doesn't like Sweets...

Poor Sweets.
10/4/2008 c1 i3parker
i take it u don't like sweets then. he's not so sweet after all.
9/15/2008 c1 notmagnificent
I think this is kind of OOC. Brennan wouldn't resort to violence, nor would she tell him never to talk to her or the squint squad again.

Though I DO think this is absolutely hilarious xD...
8/30/2008 c1 2Booth Seeley Booth
Aww poor sweets. I think she should of told Booth so he could have a hit in it too
7/8/2008 c1 9Vampire121208
that was the way i wanted Brennan to react when Booth told her about Sweets knowing he wasnt dead..and in the begining she looked like she might punch him! really awesome discription and explanation! -thanks :D
6/30/2008 c1 611Ghostwriter
Awesome job. Catch ya on the flip side.
6/24/2008 c1 3readergirl828
loved it. i think your right. Sweets got off way too easily
6/1/2008 c1 Reghan Bonnan
Honestly , am I like the only major Bones fan that likes Sweets? I feel that while he does dumb things, that he honestly does them with good intentions. ( I do however find not notifying Brennan to be absurd, I may have hit him for that). HE is doing what he feels to be his JOB and in a way he is very much like Booth and Bones. I also feel that while Booth and Brennan were ( and possibly still are) annoyed by him, that they are coming to accept him and possibly like him a little. I'm sorry but I really find your story out of character for Brennan. Maybe Booth would do this, but i think Brennan is a little more sympathetic and rational.

If Bones had been replaced by Booth, I would have enjoyed this fic better, however it wasn't completley bad.
6/1/2008 c1 1Unleashed Gummy Sweets
Yay! Bad Sweets, naughty boy!
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