5/31/2008 c1
OMG I loved it! I was in torn between completely beating the crap outta Sweets and hugging him to be honest. I mean it was absolutely horrid to do that to Brennan! How dare he? But at the same time I just wanted to give him a hug because I know what he was trying to do (it was horribly deviousbut still...) and he looked like a terrified, lost, kicked puppy too so...I dunno maybe I just have a soft spot for nerds...or maybe its because I am one...I dunno...anyways sorry for rambling!
It was a wonderful story and I can't wait to read more of your stuff! Going in my favourites and you in my favourite authors!
10/10 luv ~wired2damoon~ Xx

OMG I loved it! I was in torn between completely beating the crap outta Sweets and hugging him to be honest. I mean it was absolutely horrid to do that to Brennan! How dare he? But at the same time I just wanted to give him a hug because I know what he was trying to do (it was horribly deviousbut still...) and he looked like a terrified, lost, kicked puppy too so...I dunno maybe I just have a soft spot for nerds...or maybe its because I am one...I dunno...anyways sorry for rambling!
It was a wonderful story and I can't wait to read more of your stuff! Going in my favourites and you in my favourite authors!
10/10 luv ~wired2damoon~ Xx
5/22/2008 c1 Kriti
maybe bones was a little too harsh on him,specially coz its bones...thats the reaction id expect from booth...but then again,what sweets did was pretty low so...gooj job for putting this out there...no one had done a piece on this...
maybe bones was a little too harsh on him,specially coz its bones...thats the reaction id expect from booth...but then again,what sweets did was pretty low so...gooj job for putting this out there...no one had done a piece on this...
5/22/2008 c1 Asharra
Sorry to say this but... I can't imagine Bones going physical on Sweets. Booth, sure! Daddy dearest? In a heart beat! Me? Definitivly! Bones? Not really her style. Sorry!
Sorry to say this but... I can't imagine Bones going physical on Sweets. Booth, sure! Daddy dearest? In a heart beat! Me? Definitivly! Bones? Not really her style. Sorry!
5/21/2008 c1 Cheryl
I was really wondering who was going to crack first, Booth or Brennan. I seriously thought that she would have slugged him a good one before the ep was over.
I was really wondering who was going to crack first, Booth or Brennan. I seriously thought that she would have slugged him a good one before the ep was over.
5/21/2008 c1 doornumberthree
I think Sweets got off too easy.. but this was way too harsh! The threats were fine, it was the physical things that bugged me... why did she have to hit him repeatedly?
I think Sweets got off too easy.. but this was way too harsh! The threats were fine, it was the physical things that bugged me... why did she have to hit him repeatedly?
5/21/2008 c1 iamwriter
Well let me validate you- I liked this story, I really wish Brennan would have done something more like this to Sweets, letting him off really doesnt seem very Brennan like.
Well let me validate you- I liked this story, I really wish Brennan would have done something more like this to Sweets, letting him off really doesnt seem very Brennan like.
5/21/2008 c1
136Random Dice
I LOVE IT!I dislike Sweets...Bones had every right to put him in his place...Great Job...

I LOVE IT!I dislike Sweets...Bones had every right to put him in his place...Great Job...
5/21/2008 c1
OMG! I loved this. I couldn't get through the second line without laughing out loud. One thing though, when Brennan listed her "chosen" family (loved that line, by the way), you put Zack in twice. Just thought I'd let you know. Great job! I'm going to put this on my favorites list, so I can read it when I need a laugh.

OMG! I loved this. I couldn't get through the second line without laughing out loud. One thing though, when Brennan listed her "chosen" family (loved that line, by the way), you put Zack in twice. Just thought I'd let you know. Great job! I'm going to put this on my favorites list, so I can read it when I need a laugh.